XR Farnham

update branch details


16 Jun @ 7:00pm
XRF Group Meeting

XRF Group Meeting

Our next group meeting will be on Tuesday 16 June at 19.00. We will focus on our 'Ride for Clean Air', taking place on Saturday 20 June. To join: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/7915010374?pwd=U3h5Vm4zYWY1bWdsVkVsWHlGeWZmUT09...

Our next group meeting will be on Tuesday 16 June at 19.00. We will focus...

30 Jun @ 7:00pm
XR Farnham Group Meeting

XR Farnham Group Meeting

Our next XRF WG Coordinators Meeting will be on Tue 23 June at 19.00 for 1 hour

Our next XRF WG Coordinators Meeting will be on Tue 23 June at 19.00 for...

23 Jun @ 7:00pm
The Story of Plastic - a Documentary and Q&A session

The Story of Plastic - a Documentary and Q&A session

Our meeting this week will take the form of a viewing of 'The Story of Plastic', a documentary telling the alarming story of how fossil fuel corporations are looking to...

Our meeting this week will take the form of a viewing of 'The Story of...

20 Jun @ 11:00am
XR Farnham 'Ride for Clean Air'

XR Farnham 'Ride for Clean Air'

Cycling has increased dramatically during lockdown, in part given the need to avoid public transport, and is being encouraged, given the benefits for public health of active travel. During lockdown,...

Cycling has increased dramatically during lockdown, in part given the need to avoid public transport,...