Our meeting this week will take the form of a viewing of 'The Story of Plastic', a documentary telling the alarming story of how fossil fuel corporations are looking to plastics to replace revenue from the sale of oil! We have asked the film makers to host a virtual screening for us on Tuesday 23rd June, with a Zoom Q&A afterwards. The documentary will start at 19.00 (film 1hr 35mins), with the 1 hour Q&A starting at 20.30 hosted by our Plastics expert, Colin. As this is a non-public viewing, we are not able to post the access details online. IN ORDER TO VIEW IT, YOU MUST REGISTER WITH FARNHAM ECOCINEMA AT farnhamecocinema@gmail.com. However, we do have 600 views available, so you can invite friends from other groups. This should be highly thought provoking and timely........