Bus Gates Action - #BuildOxfordBackBetter
13 Jun @ 12:00pm – 3:00pm
Oxford, Oxfordshire
Bus Gates Action Organising Documents **please read!** Organising google sheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1NCkQymkW5gBjBfdTH5ZjIKvxi16cGboZ7Fu3WU59Tjo/edit?usp=sharing One page brief: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1rtWunxrwTphLG8LanP4L7JcKEW-LF5z7O5I4O_I5OS8/edit?usp=sharing Do you know what a bus gate is? Not many do. But they are a key helping #BuildOxfordBackBetter - and will make our city a walking and cycling paradise. They are essentially just CCTV cameras which let buses and bikes through, and fine cars and motorbikes. As a camera isn't very inspiring we're just showing where they could go and showing why they are great, in typical XR-singing-dancing-flag-waving style, at an appropriate social distance. Come along to a bus gate site to chalk the streets, sing and wave signs at the proposped bus gates sites, and to send a strong message to the County Council that we want Oxford to #BuildBackBetter with bold new cycling and walking infrastructure and investment targeted where the most number of people live, work and socialise. REALLY IMPORTANT INFO: - This is a non-arrestable action and we will not be blocking traffic. - The key purpose is to show the public where bus gates will go and raise awareness of them and their benefits, so photos of happy people, chalked messages about bus gates and a cleaner more beautiful Oxford are key. - Good photos are key!! These will be used on social media and sent to the press. Please allocate someone with a decent phone camera and eye to take photos. - ***If people do stand in the road at any point this should either be when it is naturally quiet or there are traffic lights. As there are seven very different locations it is hard to give precise instructions on this, but we trust groups to communicate well, look out for each other's safety and only get good photos when you can without blocking traffic, and work around the particular limitations of your site.*** - Please wear a mask, and stand the appropriate distance away from people who are not in your household. - We will not be handing out leaflets due to the infection risk but will have lots of easily held, clear signs at each gate so member of the public understand what you are doing. These will cover key bus gates points, and there will be breifing docs avalable for talking points. - The exact timing of the event here is indicative. We do not expect you stand there for a full three hours! Make your own arrangements in each group/gate acording to your preferences and maybe the more precise weather forecast the day before! We will do this action at least three sites in central Oxford: - Worcester Street bus gate - Oxpens Rd / Thames St bus gate - South Parks Road bus gate and expand outwards to possibly the full seven bus gates sites depending on how many people we have. Watch this space, and contact your local affinity group, or comment below if you are not part of an affinity group and would like to know which sites will definitly have people. Proposed bus gate sites: https://www.google.com/maps/d/drive?state=%7B%22ids%22%3A%5B%221Atum7IKmcbp3VRl2k9nbn7iUQVNkzWTJ%22%5D%2C%22action%22%3A%22open%22%2C%22userId%22%3A%22102163695967365510818%22%7D&usp=sharing An eventbrite for sharing for non FB people https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/bus-gates-action-buildoxfordbackbetter-tickets-108456642738