XR Brighton

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14 Jun @ 7:00pm
Oppression, movement building and our relationships as activists

Oppression, movement building and our relationships as activists

Oppression, movement building and our relationships as activists. Places are limited so please only book if you think you can attend, or cancel your tickets if you find you can't....

Oppression, movement building and our relationships as activists. Places are limited so please only book...

30 Jun @ 7:00pm
People's Assembly: Extinction Rebellion Brighton, what next?

People's Assembly: Extinction Rebellion Brighton, what next?

Brighton’s Strategy Stewardship team will be enabling a People’s Assembly (PA) to gather and collate the many views and opinions of Extinction Rebellion Brighton’s members and help shape our vision...

Brighton’s Strategy Stewardship team will be enabling a People’s Assembly (PA) to gather and collate...