XR Nottingham Whole Group Meeting
19 Jun @ 7:00pm – 8:30pm
Online Zoom Meeting
📣 ONLINE WHOLE GROUP MEETING VIA ZOOM 📣 Zoom link https://us04web.zoom.us/j/75229637459?pwd=emJmWi93WVErN29tTjhnQm8zUlNMQT09 📣 Log in before 6.50pm, due to increased security we will only let one person in at a time and we need to start the meeting at 7pm prompt. 🐙 THIS WEEK'S DISCUSSION Each week we invite you to bring your own ideas for the discussions. This can be anything to practical things about how the group operates, to thinking about our future strategy, aims and focus or anything else XR related. There will also be some time spend on updates of national, local actions and news from the Nottingham working groups. 🐙 MEETING GUIDE Lots of useful info and links here.. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1TE_3wXlGBKMUicYHohUFvvM5jRdTXplnZzfIf57jwMI/edit?usp=sharing 🐙 AIM OF THE MEETING The aim of the weekly meetings is to keep everyone engaged and connected to Nottingham XR, with updates on news and activities, but also with weekly focus on either a hot topic or a discussion around one the 10 principles of XR. 🐙 ZOOM INFO ZOOM works better if you use a computer, but you can log in from a phone too. Any questions/problems email support@xrnottingham.org Also some hints and tips here... https://tinyurl.com/vltsjka