XR Costa Rica

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Wybierz typ mapy, a następnie skopiuj kod i wklej go na swoją stronę
Full map (shows countries, branches and events)
<iframe title="XR Costa Rica Mapa" allowfullscreen width="100%" height="100%" src="https://rebellion.global/maps/cr-costa-rica"></iframe>
Branch map (only shows countries and branches)
<iframe title="XR Costa Rica Mapa" allowfullscreen width="100%" height="100%" src="https://rebellion.global/maps/cr-costa-rica/branches"></iframe>
Events map (Only shows events)
<iframe title="XR Costa Rica Mapa" allowfullscreen width="100%" height="100%" src="https://rebellion.global/maps/cr-costa-rica/events"></iframe>
Extinction Rebellion branches

