Do you feel anxious about the climate crisis? Does the confrontation with authority and ecological breakdown faced through activism overwhelm you at times? Or would you simply like to increase your coping skills for when emotions inevitably arise during the Lenterebellie, taking place shortly after? Together with 49 other Rebels, you will spend two wonderful days in a cabin far away from the busy city life, with the possibility to arrive a night early. During the day a professional Systemic Coach will teach us the ins and outs of activist psychology in a variety of work forms, while at night we light up a campfire and come together to share our experiences & connect to fellow activists. And finally, to make sure you're rid of any leftover tension before leaving on Sunday, we'll end the weekend by going rafting! The daytime sessions will cover: - The psychology of sustainability - The ups and downs of climate heroism - Systemic change & transformation - Self-care and compassion - Being radically honest with yourself & others - Trauma and re-traumatisation - Deepening your climate activism - Perpetrator and victim dynamics - Reconnecting to your bigger life purpose Shelter, showers, vegan food, coffee & tea are provided. Both coaching and the facilities are provided free of charge, but to cover unavoidable expenses there is an entry fee of €35 (in cash). Bring your own cutlery, sleeping gear, towel and toiletries. As you may understand, organizing this weekend brings with it quite some work. To ensure everyone can make the most out of the weekend, participants are required to sign up & plan an intake before July 6th. Remember that spots are limited, so don't wait too long! For an extended invitation, including a link to RSVP and plan an intake, see