Extinction Rebellion mondiale

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255 prossimi eventi nel mondo!

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25 Jun @ 12:00pm
Inaction = Death. Government: Learn Your Lesson

Inaction = Death. Government: Learn Your Lesson

INACTION = DEATH Government: Learn Your Lesson On the 25th June the Climate Change Committee will deliver it’s progress report to the Government. It will say that the Government is...

INACTION = DEATH Government: Learn Your Lesson On the 25th June the Climate Change Committee...

11 Jun - 30 Jul
Thursdays for Forests

Thursdays for Forests



17 May - 20 Jul
NO GOING BACK Sundays - Another world is possible

NO GOING BACK Sundays - Another world is possible

How do we demand a better world during the Corona Pandemic? We protest alone or 'alone together' linking with people all over the UK and the world who will be...

How do we demand a better world during the Corona Pandemic? We protest alone or...

14 Jun @ 7:00pm
Oppression, movement building and our relationships as activists

Oppression, movement building and our relationships as activists

Oppression, movement building and our relationships as activists. Places are limited so please only book if you think you can attend, or cancel your tickets if you find you can't....

Oppression, movement building and our relationships as activists. Places are limited so please only book...

24 Jun @ 6:30pm
Highlands, Islands & Moray Strategy Meeting

Highlands, Islands & Moray Strategy Meeting

Zoom meeting to connect XR groups across Highlands, Islands and Moray, and opportunity to begin planning strategy for lockdown/post-lockdown messaging and actions. Unfortunately, due to zoom hacking incidents, please be...

Zoom meeting to connect XR groups across Highlands, Islands and Moray, and opportunity to begin...

21 Jun @ 11:00am
No Going Back - our messages to the future

No Going Back - our messages to the future

No Going Back'' is a national XR event. It happens every sunday. We will have an event here and then review if we want to do more. The event is...

No Going Back'' is a national XR event. It happens every sunday. We will have...

4 Apr - 18 Jul
Empathy Cafe Series: Exploring the 10 XR Principles

Empathy Cafe Series: Exploring the 10 XR Principles

In this Empathy Cafe series, we will use the Empathy Circle process to discuss and explore a different Extinction Rebellion Principle each Saturday. We will have an ongoing dialogue about...

In this Empathy Cafe series, we will use the Empathy Circle process to discuss and...

19 Jun @ 12:00pm
Zukunft gestalten statt Krisen verwalten

Zukunft gestalten statt Krisen verwalten

Milliarden für Fluglinien, Diskussionen über eine Abwrackprämie 2.0 – die Bundesregierung ist aktuell dabei, ein umfassendes Konjunkturpaket zur Bewältigung der Corona-Folgen zu verabschieden. Im Juni soll darüber entschieden werden, wer...

Milliarden für Fluglinien, Diskussionen über eine Abwrackprämie 2.0 – die Bundesregierung ist aktuell dabei, ein...

10 Jun - 1 Jul
Virtual Pub Quiz

Virtual Pub Quiz

We're hosting a weekly virtual pub quiz! Whilst COVID-19 may mean that we can't meet face-to-face, our community must remain as strong as ever in this challenging time. To this...

We're hosting a weekly virtual pub quiz! Whilst COVID-19 may mean that we can't meet...

4 Apr - 18 Jul
Empathy Cafe Series: Exploring the 10 XR Principles

Empathy Cafe Series: Exploring the 10 XR Principles

In this Empathy Cafe series, we will use the Empathy Circle process to discuss and explore a different Extinction Rebellion Principle each Saturday. We will have an ongoing dialogue about...

In this Empathy Cafe series, we will use the Empathy Circle process to discuss and...

20 Jun @ 7:00am
Zürich 20 juin: on arrive ! #NoGoingBack

Zürich 20 juin: on arrive ! #NoGoingBack

Inscription: https://framaforms.org/zurich-20-juin-on-arrive-nogoingback-1590337612 Descriptif: Nous ne voulons pas d'un retour à l'anormal ! Suite à la crise du covid-19, nous voulons un plan de relance écologique et social pour la planète...

Inscription: https://framaforms.org/zurich-20-juin-on-arrive-nogoingback-1590337612 Descriptif: Nous ne voulons pas d'un retour à l'anormal ! Suite à la...

17 Jun @ 8:00am
Wald statt Asphalt - Dannenröder Wald bleibt!

Wald statt Asphalt - Dannenröder Wald bleibt!

Unter dem Motto "Wald statt Asphalt“✊🌳 ruft Extinction Rebellion zur Rettung des Dannenröder Waldes auf! Am Mittwoch, dem 17. Juni veranstalten wir am Wiesbadener Hauptbahnhof eine Kundgebung mit einem bunten...

Unter dem Motto "Wald statt Asphalt“✊🌳 ruft Extinction Rebellion zur Rettung des Dannenröder Waldes auf!...

15 Jun @ 6:00pm
Actie Introductie Calls: Our future, our choices! het Nederlands

Actie Introductie Calls: Our future, our choices! het Nederlands

Nieuw bij Extinion Rebellion? Nog nooit met ons een actie gedaan? Neem dan deel aan een van de Actie Introductie Calls om meer de leren over onze waarden en principes,...

Nieuw bij Extinion Rebellion? Nog nooit met ons een actie gedaan? Neem dan deel aan...

14 Jun @ 7:00pm
Oppression, movement building and our relationships as activists

Oppression, movement building and our relationships as activists

Oppression, movement building and our relationships as activists. Places are limited so please only book if you think you can attend, or cancel your tickets if you find you can't....

Oppression, movement building and our relationships as activists. Places are limited so please only book...

13 Jun @ 10:00am
Norwich XR - Regenerate and Reboot Meeting

Norwich XR - Regenerate and Reboot Meeting

You are the Rebellion. If it is broken, help us fix it. This meeting is an open space for everyone to be heard. A time to discuss, debate and share...

You are the Rebellion. If it is broken, help us fix it. This meeting is...

15 Aug @ 10:00am
Sunshine Coast: Heads in the Sand ~ Mooloolaba Beach

Sunshine Coast: Heads in the Sand ~ Mooloolaba Beach

As we face the Climate Emergency, many around us have their heads in the sand. Each day brings us more frightening news on the effects of climate change, but because...

As we face the Climate Emergency, many around us have their heads in the sand....

27 Jun @ 2:00pm
XR North Devon General Meeting

XR North Devon General Meeting

Our general meeting is open to anyone and everyone. We will gather at 2pm to share food and say hello to new members, and for a general catch up. Please...

Our general meeting is open to anyone and everyone. We will gather at 2pm to...

19 Sep @ 12:00pm
Plante-træ-dag i Aabybro

Plante-træ-dag i Aabybro

Vi planter piletræer og grantræer hjemme hos Astrids forældre. Der kommer til at være gratis saft og kage på græsplanen. Der er også toiletfaciliteter. Der går bus fra Aalborg busterminal...

Vi planter piletræer og grantræer hjemme hos Astrids forældre. Der kommer til at være gratis...

20 Jun @ 12:00pm
Melbourne Takes the Pledge

Melbourne Takes the Pledge

On June 20 Extinction Rebellion will hold a socially distant protest. You have three types of actions to choose from that will be in groups of no more than 20....

On June 20 Extinction Rebellion will hold a socially distant protest. You have three types...

10 Jun - 2 Sep
Local Groups Connection

Local Groups Connection

Extinction Rebellion Midlands invites you to a weekly meet up for local groups representatives. It will be a great opportunity to connect across the region. A place to to share...

Extinction Rebellion Midlands invites you to a weekly meet up for local groups representatives. It...

17 Jun @ 5:00pm
Swarming - Wir schwärmen aus!

Swarming - Wir schwärmen aus!

Wir schwärmen aus! Mittwoch machen wir angemeldete, kurze Straßenblockaden in der Innenstadt. Jeder ist willkommen, der sich an den Aktionskonsens hält (gewaltfrei, friedlich, niemand wird diskriminiert). Der genaue Ort folgt...

Wir schwärmen aus! Mittwoch machen wir angemeldete, kurze Straßenblockaden in der Innenstadt. Jeder ist willkommen,...

13 Jun @ 2:30pm
Medit'Action - XRLH

Medit'Action - XRLH

inscrivez-vous et venez faire passer votre message 😀. Sit in, affiches, pancartes, échanges avec les passants ...

inscrivez-vous et venez faire passer votre message 😀. Sit in, affiches, pancartes, échanges avec les...

17 Jun @ 8:00pm
Rebels Regenerate and Reboot

Rebels Regenerate and Reboot

Now we have our new group structure we're planning to make meetings a little different from now on. This week we'll be exploring regenerative culture as well as probably doing...

Now we have our new group structure we're planning to make meetings a little different...

27 Jun @ 9:30am
Rebelské plénum XR ČR 6/2020

Rebelské plénum XR ČR 6/2020

Poslední červnový víkend bude nabitý -po pátečním pikniku na Hradě nás čeká všerebelský sraz! každý kdo se alespoň trošku cítí jako rebel je zván a vítán :) Na stole bude...

Poslední červnový víkend bude nabitý -po pátečním pikniku na Hradě nás čeká všerebelský sraz! každý...

13 Jun @ 3:00pm
End Racist Police Terror // Housing Justice for our People!

End Racist Police Terror // Housing Justice for our People!

*Traducción en Español esta al final de esta descripción* In Denver and across the country, people are rising up against racist violence. But this struggle doesn't stop at the police....

*Traducción en Español esta al final de esta descripción* In Denver and across the country,...

27 Jun @ 8:00am
Our Future, Our Choices!

Our Future, Our Choices!

[Nederlands hieronder] [English below] Notre Avenir, Nos Choix! Une Charnière Historique pour l'Humanité... 14 jours de Rébellion en Cascade du 15 au 27 juin... La normale causait des crises, passons...

[Nederlands hieronder] [English below] Notre Avenir, Nos Choix! Une Charnière Historique pour l'Humanité... 14 jours...

20 Jun @ 12:00pm
Guerrilla Repair

Guerrilla Repair

- English below - Doe mee aan onze volgende Guerilla Repair-actie bij een Primark bij jou in de buurt of online! De winkels zijn weer geopend, het consumentisme gaat door,...

- English below - Doe mee aan onze volgende Guerilla Repair-actie bij een Primark bij...

14 Jun @ 4:00pm
Scendiamo in strada, Difendiamo Il Parco!

Scendiamo in strada, Difendiamo Il Parco!

📢📢📢📢📢 Da alcune settimane, Extinction Rebellion Toscana, Amici della Terra Versilia, Legambiente Versilia, WWF Alta Toscana, Fridays for Future Versilia e Earth Strike Lucca hanno cominciato una campagna di informazione...

📢📢📢📢📢 Da alcune settimane, Extinction Rebellion Toscana, Amici della Terra Versilia, Legambiente Versilia, WWF Alta...

18 Jul - 19 Jul
XR Weekend: The Psychology of Climate Activism

XR Weekend: The Psychology of Climate Activism

Do you feel anxious about the climate crisis? Does the confrontation with authority and ecological breakdown faced through activism overwhelm you at times? Or would you simply like to increase...

Do you feel anxious about the climate crisis? Does the confrontation with authority and ecological...

20 Jun @ 7:00am
Zürich, 20. Juni: ActNow NoGoingBack

Zürich, 20. Juni: ActNow NoGoingBack

Liebe Aktivist*innen Wenn der Staat seiner Verantwortung zum Schutz seiner Bürger*innen bewusst nicht nachkommt und unsere Lebensgrundlagen gefährdet sind, dann wird Widerstand zur Pflicht. Weil jedes Zehntel eines Grades Erderhitzung...

Liebe Aktivist*innen Wenn der Staat seiner Verantwortung zum Schutz seiner Bürger*innen bewusst nicht nachkommt und...

17 May - 20 Jul
NO GOING BACK Sundays - Another world is possible

NO GOING BACK Sundays - Another world is possible

How do we demand a better world during the Corona Pandemic? We protest alone or 'alone together' linking with people all over the UK and the world who will be...

How do we demand a better world during the Corona Pandemic? We protest alone or...

14 Jun @ 2:00pm
Band der Solidarität in Freiburg - #SoGehtSolidarisch

Band der Solidarität in Freiburg - #SoGehtSolidarisch

Band der Solidarität - Platz der alten Synagoge - 14.06.,14 Uhr Die Pandemie trifft uns alle, doch bei Weitem nicht alle gleich. Was vorher ungerecht war, wird in der Krise...

Band der Solidarität - Platz der alten Synagoge - 14.06.,14 Uhr Die Pandemie trifft uns...

22 Jun - 29 Jun
Online: DNA Workshop

Online: DNA Workshop

Have you found the pulse of Extinction Rebellion yet? The XR DNA Workshop is essential for all rebels to attend so we can consolidate the organisation that is Extinction Rebellion...

Have you found the pulse of Extinction Rebellion yet? The XR DNA Workshop is essential...

15 Jun @ 7:00pm
Extinction Rebellion Orientation

Extinction Rebellion Orientation

If you are new to Extinction Rebellion or would just like to learn more about how it works, please join us for a cool conversation. We will cover the following:...

If you are new to Extinction Rebellion or would just like to learn more about...

20 Mar @ 10:00am
Glasgow: March for climate justice, refugees & the Global South

Glasgow: March for climate justice, refugees & the Global South

Join our bloc on the UN Anti Racism Day march this year to demand climate justice and show solidarity with refugees and the Global South. More frequent, intense and unpredictable...

Join our bloc on the UN Anti Racism Day march this year to demand climate...

13 Jun @ 8:00pm
XRDC Post-Protest Trash Cleanup

XRDC Post-Protest Trash Cleanup

This Saturday, to support the powerful movement for racial justice, XRDC will be picking up trash around Black Lives Matter Plaza once the protesters start heading home. If you're not...

This Saturday, to support the powerful movement for racial justice, XRDC will be picking up...

28 Jun @ 3:00pm
Online: Introduction to Extinction Rebellion Scotland

Online: Introduction to Extinction Rebellion Scotland

Extinction Rebellion Introduction sessions will be online during COVID-19! These online meetings will be well facilitated and easy to use, if you need any extra technical support please send us...

Extinction Rebellion Introduction sessions will be online during COVID-19! These online meetings will be well...

10 Jun - 1 Jul
Virtual Pub Quiz

Virtual Pub Quiz

We're hosting a weekly virtual pub quiz! Whilst COVID-19 may mean that we can't meet face-to-face, our community must remain as strong as ever in this challenging time. To this...

We're hosting a weekly virtual pub quiz! Whilst COVID-19 may mean that we can't meet...

18 Jul - 19 Jul
XR Weekend: The Psychology of Climate Activism

XR Weekend: The Psychology of Climate Activism

Do you feel anxious about the climate crisis? Does the confrontation with authority and ecological breakdown faced through activism overwhelm you at times? Or would you simply like to increase...

Do you feel anxious about the climate crisis? Does the confrontation with authority and ecological...

19 May - 30 Jun
Krąg Empatii-praktyka słuchania, regeneracji, praktyka społeczna

Krąg Empatii-praktyka słuchania, regeneracji, praktyka społeczna

Krąg Empatii - praktyka słuchania, praktyka regeneracji, praktyka społeczna. ========================================================== Raz w tygodniu spotykamy się i wspólnie uczymy się empatycznego słuchania i mówienia. I staramy się wnosić to doświadczenie w...

Krąg Empatii - praktyka słuchania, praktyka regeneracji, praktyka społeczna. ========================================================== Raz w tygodniu spotykamy się...

27 Jun @ 11:00am
Empathic Listening Workshop | Conscious Communication & NonViolent Activism series

Empathic Listening Workshop | Conscious Communication & NonViolent Activism series

Details: Empathic Listening Workshop Conscious Communication & NonViolent Activism series Saturday, 27 of June 11am to 2:30pm on Zoom About: Building people power requires great communication. This workshop has been...

Details: Empathic Listening Workshop Conscious Communication & NonViolent Activism series Saturday, 27 of June 11am...

6 Jul @ 7:00pm
Online Local Group Meeting

Online Local Group Meeting

Starting from 1 June, we will hold online weekly group meetings. The meetings are focused on discussing upcoming actions (including digital actions) and brainstorm strategy for post-lockdown. They are also...

Starting from 1 June, we will hold online weekly group meetings. The meetings are focused...

18 Jun @ 8:00am
MOVIE Screening - A Quest for Meaning

MOVIE Screening - A Quest for Meaning

Tired by a long day at work? Looking for a relaxing movie? Searching for inspiration? We have the solution! Join us on June 18th, 8.00pm to watch A Quest for...

Tired by a long day at work? Looking for a relaxing movie? Searching for inspiration?...

21 Jun @ 12:00pm
XR Cycle #nogoingback

XR Cycle #nogoingback

Join XR Mossley and Saddleworth for a socially distant cycle taking in the local villages. Theme is #nogoingback and #reclaimthestreets. Decorate yourself and your bikes!! Route to be confirmed. 🚴‍♀️🚴‍♂️🌍✊🏾...

Join XR Mossley and Saddleworth for a socially distant cycle taking in the local villages....

17 Jun @ 5:00pm
H2O not HS2

H2O not HS2

More details to follow soon - but join us for a socially distanced protest as we bring attention to the fact that HS2 is poisoning the Colne valley aquifer with...

More details to follow soon - but join us for a socially distanced protest as...

17 Jun @ 12:00am
Baum-Plakataktion „Sprechende Bäume“

Baum-Plakataktion „Sprechende Bäume“

Unter Corona-Bedingungen findet am Mittwoch, 17.06., eine ganztägige Plakataktion von Extinction Rebellion in Bonn statt. Im Rahmen der diesjährigen „Rebellion Wave“ soll mit der Aktion auf das massenhafte Waldsterben als...

Unter Corona-Bedingungen findet am Mittwoch, 17.06., eine ganztägige Plakataktion von Extinction Rebellion in Bonn statt....

17 May - 20 Jul
NO GOING BACK Sundays - Another world is possible

NO GOING BACK Sundays - Another world is possible

How do we demand a better world during the Corona Pandemic? We protest alone or 'alone together' linking with people all over the UK and the world who will be...

How do we demand a better world during the Corona Pandemic? We protest alone or...

20 Jun @ 10:00am
Online People's Assembly on Warrington After Lockdown

Online People's Assembly on Warrington After Lockdown

Share your views on where Warrington, and the surrounding towns and villages, should go once lockdown eases further. Working in small groups, we'll consider the following: ‘First, discuss some of...

Share your views on where Warrington, and the surrounding towns and villages, should go once...

28 Jun @ 3:00pm
Online: Introduction to Extinction Rebellion Scotland

Online: Introduction to Extinction Rebellion Scotland

Extinction Rebellion Introduction sessions will be online during COVID-19! These online meetings will be well facilitated and easy to use, if you need any extra technical support please send us...

Extinction Rebellion Introduction sessions will be online during COVID-19! These online meetings will be well...

10 Jun - 26 Aug
Nine O'Clock Nidra

Nine O'Clock Nidra

Yoga Nidra is a form of very deep guided meditation, where a Sankalpa, or intention is set at the start & end (I will suggest a Sankalpa you are welcome...

Yoga Nidra is a form of very deep guided meditation, where a Sankalpa, or intention...

17 Jun @ 8:00am
Wald statt Asphalt - Dannenröder Wald bleibt!

Wald statt Asphalt - Dannenröder Wald bleibt!

Unter dem Motto "Wald statt Asphalt“✊🌳 ruft Extinction Rebellion zur Rettung des Dannenröder Waldes auf! Am Mittwoch, dem 17. Juni veranstalten wir am Wiesbadener Hauptbahnhof eine Kundgebung mit einem bunten...

Unter dem Motto "Wald statt Asphalt“✊🌳 ruft Extinction Rebellion zur Rettung des Dannenröder Waldes auf!...

19 Jun @ 8:00am
Fahraddemo - 12 Stunden, 12 Orte

Fahraddemo - 12 Stunden, 12 Orte

Fahrraddemo in Kassel In vielen Städten entstehen gerade in kürzester Zeit zahlreiche temporäre Fahrradspuren, nur in Kassel nicht. Das wollen wir ändern! Fahr mit! Programm: • 08 Uhr: Stadthallengarten: Morgenyoga...

Fahrraddemo in Kassel In vielen Städten entstehen gerade in kürzester Zeit zahlreiche temporäre Fahrradspuren, nur...

27 Jun @ 9:30am
Rebelské plénum XR ČR 6/2020

Rebelské plénum XR ČR 6/2020

Poslední červnový víkend bude nabitý -po pátečním pikniku na Hradě nás čeká všerebelský sraz! každý kdo se alespoň trošku cítí jako rebel je zván a vítán :) Na stole bude...

Poslední červnový víkend bude nabitý -po pátečním pikniku na Hradě nás čeká všerebelský sraz! každý...

10 Jun - 26 Aug
Nine O'Clock Nidra

Nine O'Clock Nidra

Yoga Nidra is a form of very deep guided meditation, where a Sankalpa, or intention is set at the start & end (I will suggest a Sankalpa you are welcome...

Yoga Nidra is a form of very deep guided meditation, where a Sankalpa, or intention...

12 Jun - 15 Jun
XR Aktions-Training

XR Aktions-Training

** english below ** Training für Aktionen zivilen Ungehorsams Um uns bei gemeinsamen Aktionen wohl und sicher zu fühlen, laden wir Dich herzlich ein am nächsten Aktionstraining teilzunehmen! Die Inhalte...

** english below ** Training für Aktionen zivilen Ungehorsams Um uns bei gemeinsamen Aktionen wohl...

20 Jun @ 7:00am
Zürich, 20. Juni: ActNow NoGoingBack

Zürich, 20. Juni: ActNow NoGoingBack

Liebe Aktivist*innen Wenn der Staat seiner Verantwortung zum Schutz seiner Bürger*innen bewusst nicht nachkommt und unsere Lebensgrundlagen gefährdet sind, dann wird Widerstand zur Pflicht. Weil jedes Zehntel eines Grades Erderhitzung...

Liebe Aktivist*innen Wenn der Staat seiner Verantwortung zum Schutz seiner Bürger*innen bewusst nicht nachkommt und...

25 Jun @ 12:00pm
Inaction = Death. Government: Learn Your Lesson

Inaction = Death. Government: Learn Your Lesson

INACTION = DEATH Government: Learn Your Lesson On the 25th June the Climate Change Committee will deliver it’s progress report to the Government. It will say that the Government is...

INACTION = DEATH Government: Learn Your Lesson On the 25th June the Climate Change Committee...

27 Jun @ 8:00am
Our Future, Our Choices!

Our Future, Our Choices!

[Nederlands hieronder] [English below] Notre Avenir, Nos Choix! Une Charnière Historique pour l'Humanité... 14 jours de Rébellion en Cascade du 15 au 27 juin... La normale causait des crises, passons...

[Nederlands hieronder] [English below] Notre Avenir, Nos Choix! Une Charnière Historique pour l'Humanité... 14 jours...

17 May - 20 Jul
NO GOING BACK Sundays - Another world is possible

NO GOING BACK Sundays - Another world is possible

How do we demand a better world during the Corona Pandemic? We protest alone or 'alone together' linking with people all over the UK and the world who will be...

How do we demand a better world during the Corona Pandemic? We protest alone or...

9 Jun - 4 Aug
General Meeting - Online

General Meeting - Online

Joint meeting for XRBSE & XR Thetford - everyone welcome! There will be an agenda for the meeting, plus plenty of time for a chat & catch up with everyone...

Joint meeting for XRBSE & XR Thetford - everyone welcome! There will be an agenda...

7 Jul @ 7:00pm
Active Hope workshop

Active Hope workshop

Abergavenny XR Regenerative Culture group warmly welcomes you to join these monthly online Active Hope circles of support. An online session designed to help us find our way to contribute...

Abergavenny XR Regenerative Culture group warmly welcomes you to join these monthly online Active Hope...

17 Jun @ 4:30pm
Pesticides, Agir contre la destruction du Vivant.

Pesticides, Agir contre la destruction du Vivant.

QUOI : • Dans le cadre de l'appel national du 17 juin contre la réintoxication du monde, et en accord avec sa troisième revendication "3. L’arrêt immédiat de la destruction...

QUOI : • Dans le cadre de l'appel national du 17 juin contre la réintoxication...

13 Jun @ 3:00pm
End Racist Police Terror // Housing Justice for our People!

End Racist Police Terror // Housing Justice for our People!

*Traducción en Español esta al final de esta descripción* In Denver and across the country, people are rising up against racist violence. But this struggle doesn't stop at the police....

*Traducción en Español esta al final de esta descripción* In Denver and across the country,...

13 Jun @ 6:00pm
Plakater og picnic

Plakater og picnic

Med nye plakater og klistermærker direkte fra trykken, gentager vi successen og hænger dem op rundt omkring i bybilledet.✊ 🌞Vejret og det faldende smittetryk er med os, så vi kombinerer...

Med nye plakater og klistermærker direkte fra trykken, gentager vi successen og hænger dem op...

17 Jun @ 8:30am
Verkehrswende jetzt! Fahrraddemo über die AVUS nach Berlin

Verkehrswende jetzt! Fahrraddemo über die AVUS nach Berlin

#Verkehrswende Jetzt! - Fahrraddemo über die AVUSPOTSDAM/ BERLIN Am Mittwoch der Rebellion Wave steht die Forderung nach einer weitreichenden Verkehrswende im Mittelpunkt der Aktionen. Wir machen die Verkehrswende selbst! Gemeinsam...

#Verkehrswende Jetzt! - Fahrraddemo über die AVUSPOTSDAM/ BERLIN Am Mittwoch der Rebellion Wave steht die...

18 Jun @ 7:00pm
Online Meeting - XR Skipton & The Dales

Online Meeting - XR Skipton & The Dales

Join us for a remote group chat all about developing new ideas for socially-distanced local action! Make sure to click "Going" on the event, send us a message, or email...

Join us for a remote group chat all about developing new ideas for socially-distanced local...

15 Jun @ 12:00am
Klimakrise in die Medien!

Klimakrise in die Medien!

In zwei Wochen heißt es: Klimakrise in die Medien! Unsere erste Forderung: Sagt die ganze Wahrheit über den drohenden Klimakollaps! Mit einer bildstarken direkten Aktion stellen wir klar, dass wir...

In zwei Wochen heißt es: Klimakrise in die Medien! Unsere erste Forderung: Sagt die ganze...

16 Jun @ 7:00pm
XR Glasgow Weekly Meeting

XR Glasgow Weekly Meeting

Weekly meeting and get-together of the Glasgow branch of Extinction Rebellion (XR) **How to get to us** ALL XR GLASGOW TUESDAY MEETINGS WILL BE ONLINE FOR THE FORESEEABLE FUTURE. We...

Weekly meeting and get-together of the Glasgow branch of Extinction Rebellion (XR) **How to get...

13 Jun @ 11:00am
Stoppa Preemraff!

Stoppa Preemraff!

Den 15.e juni kommer beslutet angående huruvida utbyggnaden av Preem-raff i Lysekil ska tillåtas eller inte att läggas på Regeringens bord. Om utbyggnaden slås igenom kommer Preem att öka sina...

Den 15.e juni kommer beslutet angående huruvida utbyggnaden av Preem-raff i Lysekil ska tillåtas eller...

5 Sep @ 12:00am
Laks er ikke vår nye olje!

Laks er ikke vår nye olje!

Bli med på vårens lakseopprør. Vi, Extinction Rebellion, krever at myndighetene forteller sannheten om oppdrettsindustriens alvorlige konsekvenser. Vi krever at myndighetene stanser ødeleggelse av økologien på Vestlandet for at noen...

Bli med på vårens lakseopprør. Vi, Extinction Rebellion, krever at myndighetene forteller sannheten om oppdrettsindustriens...

15 Jun @ 6:00pm
Ανοιχτή Συνέλευση (XR Café)

Ανοιχτή Συνέλευση (XR Café)

Πρόσκληση για συμμετοχή σε μια ανοιχτή συνέλευση της XR! (English Translation will be added soon!) Ενόψει της κρίσης του Κόβιντ-19, η Ευρωπαϊκή ένωση όπως και Ευρωπαϊκές Κυβερνήσεις, βοήθησαν μέσα από...

Πρόσκληση για συμμετοχή σε μια ανοιχτή συνέλευση της XR! (English Translation will be added soon!)...

12 Jun - 15 Jun
Digitales Klima Festival

Digitales Klima Festival

Digitales Klima Festival! Mit einem vielfältigen Programm an Events, Workshops, Talks und vielem mehr... über und für Klimagerechtigkeit! With a varied programme of events, workshops, talks and much more... on...

Digitales Klima Festival! Mit einem vielfältigen Programm an Events, Workshops, Talks und vielem mehr... über...

19 Jul @ 11:00am
Building a Better Future

Building a Better Future

As we emerge from the pandemic lockdown, we are faced with a unique moment in history where we can make the change we need for the survival of the human...

As we emerge from the pandemic lockdown, we are faced with a unique moment in...

4 Apr - 18 Jul
Empathy Cafe Series: Exploring the 10 XR Principles

Empathy Cafe Series: Exploring the 10 XR Principles

In this Empathy Cafe series, we will use the Empathy Circle process to discuss and explore a different Extinction Rebellion Principle each Saturday. We will have an ongoing dialogue about...

In this Empathy Cafe series, we will use the Empathy Circle process to discuss and...

13 Jun @ 12:00pm
Sit-in nonviolento di Extinction Rebellion

Sit-in nonviolento di Extinction Rebellion

ATTENZIONE!!! Chiusa porta di via San Pancrazio 10: accesso da via Aurelia antica numero 183, all'entrata svoltare a sinistra NON C'E' LAVORO SU UN PIANETA MORTO! Oggi si tengono a...

ATTENZIONE!!! Chiusa porta di via San Pancrazio 10: accesso da via Aurelia antica numero 183,...

17 Jun @ 2:00pm
Appel de l'ouest contre la réintoxication du monde

Appel de l'ouest contre la réintoxication du monde

14h – Rassemblement devant l’usine d’engrais chimiques Yara à Montoir de Bretagne 17h – Convergence et grand pique-nique sur le site du Carnet A l’appel dans le 44 des associations...

14h – Rassemblement devant l’usine d’engrais chimiques Yara à Montoir de Bretagne 17h – Convergence...

20 Jun @ 2:30pm
Réunion d'accueil et présentation d'Extinction Rebellion

Réunion d'accueil et présentation d'Extinction Rebellion

▶️ Vous avez entendu parler d'Extinction Rebellion (XR) et vous aimeriez en savoir plus ? Vous envisagez de rejoindre le mouvement, prendre part à ses actions non-violentes, et vous vous...

▶️ Vous avez entendu parler d'Extinction Rebellion (XR) et vous aimeriez en savoir plus ?...

20 Jun @ 1:00pm
Non-Violent Direct Action Training - Part 1

Non-Violent Direct Action Training - Part 1

Our signature Non-Violent Direct Action / Civil Disobedience training is going digital! This free training is open to the public and all allied organizations. This will be an interactive /...

Our signature Non-Violent Direct Action / Civil Disobedience training is going digital! This free training...

18 Jun @ 7:30pm
East Herts Meeting

East Herts Meeting

We are holding this meeting as an opportunity to reconnect and talk about what sort of actions (whether they be physical or otherwise) that we want to take going forward....

We are holding this meeting as an opportunity to reconnect and talk about what sort...

2 Jul @ 7:00pm
Local Group Meet Up

Local Group Meet Up

Everyone welcome to our online meet up on Thursday We'd love to see you there whether it'll be your first time in an XR space and want to see what...

Everyone welcome to our online meet up on Thursday We'd love to see you there...

27 Jun @ 2:00pm
XR North Devon General Meeting

XR North Devon General Meeting

Our general meeting is open to anyone and everyone. We will gather at 2pm to share food and say hello to new members, and for a general catch up. Please...

Our general meeting is open to anyone and everyone. We will gather at 2pm to...

15 Jun @ 6:00pm
Ανοιχτή Συνέλευση (XR Café)

Ανοιχτή Συνέλευση (XR Café)

Πρόσκληση για συμμετοχή σε μια ανοιχτή συνέλευση της XR! (English Translation will be added soon!) Ενόψει της κρίσης του Κόβιντ-19, η Ευρωπαϊκή ένωση όπως και Ευρωπαϊκές Κυβερνήσεις, βοήθησαν μέσα από...

Πρόσκληση για συμμετοχή σε μια ανοιχτή συνέλευση της XR! (English Translation will be added soon!)...

25 Jun @ 12:00pm
Inaction = Death. Government: Learn Your Lesson

Inaction = Death. Government: Learn Your Lesson

INACTION = DEATH Government: Learn Your Lesson On the 25th June the Climate Change Committee will deliver it’s progress report to the Government. It will say that the Government is...

INACTION = DEATH Government: Learn Your Lesson On the 25th June the Climate Change Committee...

20 Jun @ 12:00pm
Melbourne Takes the Pledge

Melbourne Takes the Pledge

On June 20 Extinction Rebellion will hold a socially distant protest. You have three types of actions to choose from that will be in groups of no more than 20....

On June 20 Extinction Rebellion will hold a socially distant protest. You have three types...

20 Jun @ 7:00am
Zürich, 20. Juni: ActNow NoGoingBack

Zürich, 20. Juni: ActNow NoGoingBack

Liebe Aktivist*innen Wenn der Staat seiner Verantwortung zum Schutz seiner Bürger*innen bewusst nicht nachkommt und unsere Lebensgrundlagen gefährdet sind, dann wird Widerstand zur Pflicht. Weil jedes Zehntel eines Grades Erderhitzung...

Liebe Aktivist*innen Wenn der Staat seiner Verantwortung zum Schutz seiner Bürger*innen bewusst nicht nachkommt und...

20 Jun @ 7:00am
Zürich, 20. Juni: ActNow NoGoingBack

Zürich, 20. Juni: ActNow NoGoingBack

Liebe Aktivist*innen Wenn der Staat seiner Verantwortung zum Schutz seiner Bürger*innen bewusst nicht nachkommt und unsere Lebensgrundlagen gefährdet sind, dann wird Widerstand zur Pflicht. Weil jedes Zehntel eines Grades Erderhitzung...

Liebe Aktivist*innen Wenn der Staat seiner Verantwortung zum Schutz seiner Bürger*innen bewusst nicht nachkommt und...

18 Jul - 19 Jul
XR Weekend: The Psychology of Climate Activism

XR Weekend: The Psychology of Climate Activism

Do you feel anxious about the climate crisis? Does the confrontation with authority and ecological breakdown faced through activism overwhelm you at times? Or would you simply like to increase...

Do you feel anxious about the climate crisis? Does the confrontation with authority and ecological...

17 Jun @ 12:00pm
Rassemblement contre la destruction de la forêt du Madrillet

Rassemblement contre la destruction de la forêt du Madrillet

🔴🚧🔴 ALERTE MADRILLET ! 63 hectares de la forêt du Madrillet vont être rasés pour laisser la place à des entreprises et des établissements de formation Nous appelons à un...

🔴🚧🔴 ALERTE MADRILLET ! 63 hectares de la forêt du Madrillet vont être rasés pour...

10 Jun - 1 Jul
Virtual Pub Quiz

Virtual Pub Quiz

We're hosting a weekly virtual pub quiz! Whilst COVID-19 may mean that we can't meet face-to-face, our community must remain as strong as ever in this challenging time. To this...

We're hosting a weekly virtual pub quiz! Whilst COVID-19 may mean that we can't meet...

22 Jun @ 7:00pm
Fortnightly meeting online (via Zoom)

Fortnightly meeting online (via Zoom)

With lockdown easing quickly, soon we'll be back on the streets to protest about the climate emergency. All welcome!

With lockdown easing quickly, soon we'll be back on the streets to protest about the...

15 Aug @ 10:00am
Sunshine Coast: Heads in the Sand ~ Mooloolaba Beach

Sunshine Coast: Heads in the Sand ~ Mooloolaba Beach

As we face the Climate Emergency, many around us have their heads in the sand. Each day brings us more frightening news on the effects of climate change, but because...

As we face the Climate Emergency, many around us have their heads in the sand....

17 Jun @ 8:00am
Wald statt Asphalt - Dannenröder Wald bleibt!

Wald statt Asphalt - Dannenröder Wald bleibt!

Unter dem Motto "Wald statt Asphalt“✊🌳 ruft Extinction Rebellion zur Rettung des Dannenröder Waldes auf! Am Mittwoch, dem 17. Juni veranstalten wir am Wiesbadener Hauptbahnhof eine Kundgebung mit einem bunten...

Unter dem Motto "Wald statt Asphalt“✊🌳 ruft Extinction Rebellion zur Rettung des Dannenröder Waldes auf!...

28 Jun @ 3:00pm
Online: Introduction to Extinction Rebellion Scotland

Online: Introduction to Extinction Rebellion Scotland

Extinction Rebellion Introduction sessions will be online during COVID-19! These online meetings will be well facilitated and easy to use, if you need any extra technical support please send us...

Extinction Rebellion Introduction sessions will be online during COVID-19! These online meetings will be well...

13 Jun @ 2:00pm
Elokapinan Uuden alun piknik

Elokapinan Uuden alun piknik

Koronakevään jälkeen juhlistamme uutta elokapinoinnin alkua, kesää ja yhdessä olemista kaikille avoimien piknik-kestien merkeissä Helsingin Alppipuistossa. Pääsemme pitkästä aikaan olemaan yhdessä! Mikä sen parempaa kuin viettää kesäpäivää puistoillen muiden kapinahenkisten...

Koronakevään jälkeen juhlistamme uutta elokapinoinnin alkua, kesää ja yhdessä olemista kaikille avoimien piknik-kestien merkeissä Helsingin...

13 Jun - 14 Jun
Camp XR Vannes

Camp XR Vannes

Suite à la fin de cette période de confinement il y a presque un mois et aux envies de se retrouver, XR Vannes revient avec ce Camp XR. Au programme...

Suite à la fin de cette période de confinement il y a presque un mois...

18 Jun @ 4:00pm
XR-Lesekreis: Die Erzählung der Zivilisation I

XR-Lesekreis: Die Erzählung der Zivilisation I

5. XR-Lesekreis: Die Erzählung der Zivilisation I Im Lesekreis widmen wir uns den Bruchlinien, die sich im Areal des weiteren Kontexts der Klimakrise befinden. Entlang der Texte tasten wir uns...

5. XR-Lesekreis: Die Erzählung der Zivilisation I Im Lesekreis widmen wir uns den Bruchlinien, die...

20 Jun @ 12:00pm
Melbourne Takes the Pledge

Melbourne Takes the Pledge

On June 20 Extinction Rebellion will hold a socially distant protest. You have three types of actions to choose from that will be in groups of no more than 20....

On June 20 Extinction Rebellion will hold a socially distant protest. You have three types...

10 Jun - 2 Sep
Local Groups Connection

Local Groups Connection

Extinction Rebellion Midlands invites you to a weekly meet up for local groups representatives. It will be a great opportunity to connect across the region. A place to to share...

Extinction Rebellion Midlands invites you to a weekly meet up for local groups representatives. It...

18 Jul - 19 Jul
XR Weekend: The Psychology of Climate Activism

XR Weekend: The Psychology of Climate Activism

Do you feel anxious about the climate crisis? Does the confrontation with authority and ecological breakdown faced through activism overwhelm you at times? Or would you simply like to increase...

Do you feel anxious about the climate crisis? Does the confrontation with authority and ecological...

25 Jun @ 12:00pm
Inaction = Death. Government: Learn Your Lesson

Inaction = Death. Government: Learn Your Lesson

INACTION = DEATH Government: Learn Your Lesson On the 25th June the Climate Change Committee will deliver it’s progress report to the Government. It will say that the Government is...

INACTION = DEATH Government: Learn Your Lesson On the 25th June the Climate Change Committee...

13 Jun @ 10:00am
Norwich XR - Regenerate and Reboot Meeting

Norwich XR - Regenerate and Reboot Meeting

You are the Rebellion. If it is broken, help us fix it. This meeting is an open space for everyone to be heard. A time to discuss, debate and share...

You are the Rebellion. If it is broken, help us fix it. This meeting is...

18 May - 27 Jul
Working Group Delegates Meeting

Working Group Delegates Meeting

An ONLINE space to create, collaborate, imagine and discuss, open to anyone who is active in one of the XR Leeds working groups! If you're not in a working group,...

An ONLINE space to create, collaborate, imagine and discuss, open to anyone who is active...

13 Jun @ 3:00pm
People's Assembly: Have Your Say on the Next Rebellion

People's Assembly: Have Your Say on the Next Rebellion

To attend this event, please click this link just before the start time: https://zoom.us/j/98955426971 XR UK have put together four key questions to help them plan the next rebellion and...

To attend this event, please click this link just before the start time: https://zoom.us/j/98955426971 XR...

13 Jun - 20 Mar
XR Welcome Call

XR Welcome Call

Are you ready to learn more about Extinction Rebellion? You’ve heard the talk, seen us on the streets or seen us in the media -- and you want to know...

Are you ready to learn more about Extinction Rebellion? You’ve heard the talk, seen us...

12 Apr - 18 Jun
Online Meeting for Swiss Citizens' Assemblies

Online Meeting for Swiss Citizens' Assemblies

Online meeting for Citizens' Assemblies Dates: 12.04.2020 | 23.04.2020 | 10.05.2020 | 21.05.2020 | 07.06.2020 | 18.06.2020 Time: 19.00-21.00 Place: Online on Zoom (link below) Do you want to take...

Online meeting for Citizens' Assemblies Dates: 12.04.2020 | 23.04.2020 | 10.05.2020 | 21.05.2020 | 07.06.2020...

20 Jun @ 12:00pm
Guerrilla Repair

Guerrilla Repair

- English below - Doe mee aan onze volgende Guerilla Repair-actie bij een Primark bij jou in de buurt of online! De winkels zijn weer geopend, het consumentisme gaat door,...

- English below - Doe mee aan onze volgende Guerilla Repair-actie bij een Primark bij...

10 Jun - 2 Sep
Local Groups Connection

Local Groups Connection

Extinction Rebellion Midlands invites you to a weekly meet up for local groups representatives. It will be a great opportunity to connect across the region. A place to to share...

Extinction Rebellion Midlands invites you to a weekly meet up for local groups representatives. It...

5 Sep @ 10:00am
Rebelión por el clima

Rebelión por el clima



18 Jul - 19 Jul
XR Weekend: The Psychology of Climate Activism

XR Weekend: The Psychology of Climate Activism

Do you feel anxious about the climate crisis? Does the confrontation with authority and ecological breakdown faced through activism overwhelm you at times? Or would you simply like to increase...

Do you feel anxious about the climate crisis? Does the confrontation with authority and ecological...

20 Jun @ 9:30am
Is New Zealand Really “As Racist As F***”?

Is New Zealand Really “As Racist As F***”?

Rebels need to understand the links between the climate and Ecological Crisis and other oppressions, that the ruling elite concentrate wealth with little or no regard for others nor the...

Rebels need to understand the links between the climate and Ecological Crisis and other oppressions,...

25 May - 15 Jun
Nova Helvetia - Democracy in transformation

Nova Helvetia - Democracy in transformation

This is a time of unprecedented disruption. Systems we relied on before are on the brink of collapse and immediate actions are needed on multiple levels. At the same time,...

This is a time of unprecedented disruption. Systems we relied on before are on the...

16 Mar - 14 Dec
Cwrdd XR Bangor Meet Up

Cwrdd XR Bangor Meet Up

Ein Planed, Ein Hiechyd, Ein Cyfle Ymunwch â ni ar gyfer ein Cwrddiau wythnosol sy'n agored i rebels newydd a phrofiadol. Bydd y 30 munud cyntaf yn sgwrs anffurfiol, hamddenol,...

Ein Planed, Ein Hiechyd, Ein Cyfle Ymunwch â ni ar gyfer ein Cwrddiau wythnosol sy'n...

25 May - 15 Jun
Nova Helvetia - Democracy in transformation

Nova Helvetia - Democracy in transformation

This is a time of unprecedented disruption. Systems we relied on before are on the brink of collapse and immediate actions are needed on multiple levels. At the same time,...

This is a time of unprecedented disruption. Systems we relied on before are on the...

28 Apr - 23 Jun
Living With Change

Living With Change

How do we ground ourselves in a world that is constantly shifting beneath our feet? How do we adapt and possibly thrive in a situation of change? How can our...

How do we ground ourselves in a world that is constantly shifting beneath our feet?...

16 Jun @ 7:30pm
XR Northwich: General Meeting

XR Northwich: General Meeting

Details to follow... Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89499266679?pwd=TzZnMHNkVjB5WER0c1NWN3l0NkxwQT09 Meeting ID: 894 9926 6679 Password: 632708

Details to follow... Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89499266679?pwd=TzZnMHNkVjB5WER0c1NWN3l0NkxwQT09 Meeting ID: 894 9926 6679 Password: 632708

16 Jun @ 2:00pm
Mobilisation de l'hôpital, de la santé et de l'action sociale

Mobilisation de l'hôpital, de la santé et de l'action sociale

𝐋𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐞𝐧 𝐚 𝐟𝐚𝐢𝐭 𝐝𝐞𝐬 𝐡𝐞́𝐫𝐨𝐬, 𝐋𝐚 𝐩𝐨𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐞 𝐞𝐧 𝐚 𝐟𝐚𝐢𝐭 𝐝𝐞𝐬 𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐲𝐫𝐬. 𝐈𝐞𝐥𝐬 𝐯𝐞𝐮𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐣𝐮𝐬𝐭𝐞 𝐟𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐞 𝐥𝐞𝐮𝐫 𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐨𝐭, 𝐥𝐚 𝐭𝐞̂𝐭𝐞 𝐡𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐞, 𝐬𝐚𝐧𝐬 𝐬𝐨𝐮𝐟𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐫. 𝐎𝐟𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐫 𝐝𝐞𝐬 𝐬𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐬 𝐝𝐞 𝐡𝐚𝐮𝐭...

𝐋𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐞𝐧 𝐚 𝐟𝐚𝐢𝐭 𝐝𝐞𝐬 𝐡𝐞́𝐫𝐨𝐬, 𝐋𝐚 𝐩𝐨𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐞 𝐞𝐧 𝐚 𝐟𝐚𝐢𝐭 𝐝𝐞𝐬 𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐲𝐫𝐬. 𝐈𝐞𝐥𝐬...

26 Jun @ 7:00pm
The Reluctant Radical Screening + Q & A with Ken Ward

The Reluctant Radical Screening + Q & A with Ken Ward

We've organised a virtual screening of this fabulous documentary. Plus a Q & A with the star of the film, Ken Ward! Tickets are limited, so please register via Eventbrite:...

We've organised a virtual screening of this fabulous documentary. Plus a Q & A with...

18 Jul - 19 Jul
XR Weekend: The Psychology of Climate Activism

XR Weekend: The Psychology of Climate Activism

Do you feel anxious about the climate crisis? Does the confrontation with authority and ecological breakdown faced through activism overwhelm you at times? Or would you simply like to increase...

Do you feel anxious about the climate crisis? Does the confrontation with authority and ecological...

28 May - 10 Sep
Online: Outreach Working Group Meeting

Online: Outreach Working Group Meeting

Hi Extinction Rebellion Outreach folks! Feel free to come along for a catch up and to think about online/outreach ideas in the time of COVID-19 Zoom link to follow If...

Hi Extinction Rebellion Outreach folks! Feel free to come along for a catch up and...

20 Sep @ 9:30am
Rebel Festival Zuid-Nederland

Rebel Festival Zuid-Nederland

❤ Festival XR Zuid-Nederland ❤ ENGLISH BELOW Tijdens het Rebel Festival Zuid-Nederland op 22 maart nodigen we je uit om je wereldbeeld te verbreden. Ontdek jouw innerlijke rebel tijdens talks...

❤ Festival XR Zuid-Nederland ❤ ENGLISH BELOW Tijdens het Rebel Festival Zuid-Nederland op 22 maart...

20 Sep @ 9:30am
Rebel Festival Zuid-Nederland

Rebel Festival Zuid-Nederland

❤ Festival XR Zuid-Nederland ❤ ENGLISH BELOW Tijdens het Rebel Festival Zuid-Nederland op 22 maart nodigen we je uit om je wereldbeeld te verbreden. Ontdek jouw innerlijke rebel tijdens talks...

❤ Festival XR Zuid-Nederland ❤ ENGLISH BELOW Tijdens het Rebel Festival Zuid-Nederland op 22 maart...

20 Mar @ 12:00pm
March for climate justice, refugees & the global south

March for climate justice, refugees & the global south

POSTPONED: This event has been postponed due to covid-19. The date in this event is not when it is taking place. We will announce a new date when possible to...

POSTPONED: This event has been postponed due to covid-19. The date in this event is...

24 Jun @ 6:30pm
Highlands, Islands & Moray Strategy Meeting

Highlands, Islands & Moray Strategy Meeting

Zoom meeting to connect XR groups across Highlands, Islands and Moray, and opportunity to begin planning strategy for lockdown/post-lockdown messaging and actions. Unfortunately, due to zoom hacking incidents, please be...

Zoom meeting to connect XR groups across Highlands, Islands and Moray, and opportunity to begin...

20 Sep @ 9:30am
Rebel Festival Zuid-Nederland

Rebel Festival Zuid-Nederland

❤ Festival XR Zuid-Nederland ❤ ENGLISH BELOW Tijdens het Rebel Festival Zuid-Nederland op 22 maart nodigen we je uit om je wereldbeeld te verbreden. Ontdek jouw innerlijke rebel tijdens talks...

❤ Festival XR Zuid-Nederland ❤ ENGLISH BELOW Tijdens het Rebel Festival Zuid-Nederland op 22 maart...

17 Jun @ 8:00am
Wald statt Asphalt - Dannenröder Wald bleibt!

Wald statt Asphalt - Dannenröder Wald bleibt!

Unter dem Motto "Wald statt Asphalt“✊🌳 ruft Extinction Rebellion zur Rettung des Dannenröder Waldes auf! Am Mittwoch, dem 17. Juni veranstalten wir am Wiesbadener Hauptbahnhof eine Kundgebung mit einem bunten...

Unter dem Motto "Wald statt Asphalt“✊🌳 ruft Extinction Rebellion zur Rettung des Dannenröder Waldes auf!...

12 Jun - 26 Feb
XR Welcome Call

XR Welcome Call

Been to a "Heading for Extinction" Talk or seen us in the media? Want to get more involved? Attend a Zoom (video) Orientation Call! Note that this call is phone...

Been to a "Heading for Extinction" Talk or seen us in the media? Want to...

20 Jun @ 10:00am
Oppression, movement building and our relationships as activists

Oppression, movement building and our relationships as activists

Oppression, movement building and our relationships as activists. Note: We've experienced large numbers of people registering for this workshop and not turning up. This prevents others from registering and attending...

Oppression, movement building and our relationships as activists. Note: We've experienced large numbers of people...

27 Jun @ 8:00am
Our Future, Our Choices!

Our Future, Our Choices!

[Nederlands hieronder] [English below] Notre Avenir, Nos Choix! Une Charnière Historique pour l'Humanité... 14 jours de Rébellion en Cascade du 15 au 27 juin... La normale causait des crises, passons...

[Nederlands hieronder] [English below] Notre Avenir, Nos Choix! Une Charnière Historique pour l'Humanité... 14 jours...

20 Jun @ 10:00am
SW Action Design Training (online)

SW Action Design Training (online)

Extinction Rebellion is an actions-led movement. Let’s get back to XR’s roots and use actions to cut through business as usual and lead people to rebel - against climate death,...

Extinction Rebellion is an actions-led movement. Let’s get back to XR’s roots and use actions...

16 Jun @ 7:00pm
XRF Group Meeting

XRF Group Meeting

Our next group meeting will be on Tuesday 16 June at 19.00. We will focus on our 'Ride for Clean Air', taking place on Saturday 20 June. To join: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/7915010374?pwd=U3h5Vm4zYWY1bWdsVkVsWHlGeWZmUT09...

Our next group meeting will be on Tuesday 16 June at 19.00. We will focus...

17 Jun @ 1:00pm
Rebel Weekly Walk

Rebel Weekly Walk

Starting from the park we will walk around the city with short punchy placards. Placards provided or bring your own! :) BYO XR T shirts, masks & gloves, if you...

Starting from the park we will walk around the city with short punchy placards. Placards...

20 Jun @ 12:00pm
Guerrilla Repair

Guerrilla Repair

- English below - Doe mee aan onze volgende Guerilla Repair-actie bij een Primark bij jou in de buurt of online! De winkels zijn weer geopend, het consumentisme gaat door,...

- English below - Doe mee aan onze volgende Guerilla Repair-actie bij een Primark bij...

17 Jun @ 8:00am
Wald statt Asphalt - Dannenröder Wald bleibt!

Wald statt Asphalt - Dannenröder Wald bleibt!

Unter dem Motto "Wald statt Asphalt“✊🌳 ruft Extinction Rebellion zur Rettung des Dannenröder Waldes auf! Am Mittwoch, dem 17. Juni veranstalten wir am Wiesbadener Hauptbahnhof eine Kundgebung mit einem bunten...

Unter dem Motto "Wald statt Asphalt“✊🌳 ruft Extinction Rebellion zur Rettung des Dannenröder Waldes auf!...

25 Jun @ 6:00pm


(English below) Hvordan organiserer vi os i Extinction Rebellion? Hvem står for at lave bannere og flag? Og hvem tager de flotte billeder af vores aktioner? Onboardingmødet er en introduktion...

(English below) Hvordan organiserer vi os i Extinction Rebellion? Hvem står for at lave bannere...

20 Jun @ 7:00am
Zürich 20 juin: on arrive ! #NoGoingBack

Zürich 20 juin: on arrive ! #NoGoingBack

Inscription: https://framaforms.org/zurich-20-juin-on-arrive-nogoingback-1590337612 Descriptif: Nous ne voulons pas d'un retour à l'anormal ! Suite à la crise du covid-19, nous voulons un plan de relance écologique et social pour la planète...

Inscription: https://framaforms.org/zurich-20-juin-on-arrive-nogoingback-1590337612 Descriptif: Nous ne voulons pas d'un retour à l'anormal ! Suite à la...

27 Jun @ 8:00am
Our Future, Our Choices!

Our Future, Our Choices!

[Nederlands hieronder] [English below] Notre Avenir, Nos Choix! Une Charnière Historique pour l'Humanité... 14 jours de Rébellion en Cascade du 15 au 27 juin... La normale causait des crises, passons...

[Nederlands hieronder] [English below] Notre Avenir, Nos Choix! Une Charnière Historique pour l'Humanité... 14 jours...

14 Jun @ 10:30am
Actie Introductie Calls: Our future, our choices! het Nederlands

Actie Introductie Calls: Our future, our choices! het Nederlands

Nieuw bij Extinion Rebellion? Nog nooit met ons een actie gedaan? Neem dan deel aan een van de Actie Introductie Calls om meer de leren over onze waarden en principes,...

Nieuw bij Extinion Rebellion? Nog nooit met ons een actie gedaan? Neem dan deel aan...

19 May - 30 Jun
Krąg Empatii-praktyka słuchania, regeneracji, praktyka społeczna

Krąg Empatii-praktyka słuchania, regeneracji, praktyka społeczna

Krąg Empatii - praktyka słuchania, praktyka regeneracji, praktyka społeczna. ========================================================== Raz w tygodniu spotykamy się i wspólnie uczymy się empatycznego słuchania i mówienia. I staramy się wnosić to doświadczenie w...

Krąg Empatii - praktyka słuchania, praktyka regeneracji, praktyka społeczna. ========================================================== Raz w tygodniu spotykamy się...

27 Jun @ 8:00am
Our Future, Our Choices!

Our Future, Our Choices!

[Nederlands hieronder] [English below] Notre Avenir, Nos Choix! Une Charnière Historique pour l'Humanité... 14 jours de Rébellion en Cascade du 15 au 27 juin... La normale causait des crises, passons...

[Nederlands hieronder] [English below] Notre Avenir, Nos Choix! Une Charnière Historique pour l'Humanité... 14 jours...

25 Jun @ 12:00pm
Inaction = Death. Government: Learn Your Lesson

Inaction = Death. Government: Learn Your Lesson

INACTION = DEATH Government: Learn Your Lesson On the 25th June the Climate Change Committee will deliver it’s progress report to the Government. It will say that the Government is...

INACTION = DEATH Government: Learn Your Lesson On the 25th June the Climate Change Committee...

23 Jun @ 7:00pm
Facilitation Training for People Identifying as Women

Facilitation Training for People Identifying as Women

\# **MEETING FACILITATION TRAINING: Tuesday 23rd June, 7pm-9.30pm** ***This is an online session specifically for those who identify with she/her pronouns\*** This interactive session aims to support participants to... -...

\# **MEETING FACILITATION TRAINING: Tuesday 23rd June, 7pm-9.30pm** ***This is an online session specifically for...

27 Jun @ 8:00am
Our Future, Our Choices!

Our Future, Our Choices!

[Nederlands hieronder] [English below] Notre Avenir, Nos Choix! Une Charnière Historique pour l'Humanité... 14 jours de Rébellion en Cascade du 15 au 27 juin... La normale causait des crises, passons...

[Nederlands hieronder] [English below] Notre Avenir, Nos Choix! Une Charnière Historique pour l'Humanité... 14 jours...

14 Jun @ 7:00pm
Oppression, movement building and our relationships as activists

Oppression, movement building and our relationships as activists

Oppression, movement building and our relationships as activists. Places are limited so please only book if you think you can attend, or cancel your tickets if you find you can't....

Oppression, movement building and our relationships as activists. Places are limited so please only book...

27 Jun @ 9:30am
Rebelské plénum XR ČR 6/2020

Rebelské plénum XR ČR 6/2020

Poslední červnový víkend bude nabitý -po pátečním pikniku na Hradě nás čeká všerebelský sraz! každý kdo se alespoň trošku cítí jako rebel je zván a vítán :) Na stole bude...

Poslední červnový víkend bude nabitý -po pátečním pikniku na Hradě nás čeká všerebelský sraz! každý...

14 Jun @ 7:00pm
Oppression, movement building and our relationships as activists

Oppression, movement building and our relationships as activists

Oppression, movement building and our relationships as activists. Places are limited so please only book if you think you can attend, or cancel your tickets if you find you can't....

Oppression, movement building and our relationships as activists. Places are limited so please only book...

3 Aug - 7 Aug
Uncertain Delay - Ken Ward 3rd Trial: Necessity Defense

Uncertain Delay - Ken Ward 3rd Trial: Necessity Defense

Uncertain trial delay during the pandemic. Moving tentatively to August but actual reschedule date is unknown. What: After winning a unanimous decision in WA Appeals Court, overturning ValveTurner Ken Ward’s...

Uncertain trial delay during the pandemic. Moving tentatively to August but actual reschedule date is...

22 May - 20 Nov


Loggers are in Myrtle State Forest right now! Join in the global movement for action on climate & biodiversity by gathering in groups of 10 (maintaining appropriate social distancing) in...

Loggers are in Myrtle State Forest right now! Join in the global movement for action...

27 Jun @ 8:00am
Our Future, Our Choices!

Our Future, Our Choices!

[Nederlands hieronder] [English below] Notre Avenir, Nos Choix! Une Charnière Historique pour l'Humanité... 14 jours de Rébellion en Cascade du 15 au 27 juin... La normale causait des crises, passons...

[Nederlands hieronder] [English below] Notre Avenir, Nos Choix! Une Charnière Historique pour l'Humanité... 14 jours...

12 Jun - 15 Jun
XR Aktions-Training

XR Aktions-Training

** english below ** Training für Aktionen zivilen Ungehorsams Um uns bei gemeinsamen Aktionen wohl und sicher zu fühlen, laden wir Dich herzlich ein am nächsten Aktionstraining teilzunehmen! Die Inhalte...

** english below ** Training für Aktionen zivilen Ungehorsams Um uns bei gemeinsamen Aktionen wohl...

20 Jun @ 1:00pm
Le 20 juin, on dit NON au pipeline Coastal Gaslink!

Le 20 juin, on dit NON au pipeline Coastal Gaslink!

Le 28 avril dernier, une agence fédérale signe une entente de financement de projet de 500 millions de dollars avec la compagnie TC Energy pour la construction de son gazoduc...

Le 28 avril dernier, une agence fédérale signe une entente de financement de projet de...

13 Jun @ 3:00pm
People's Assembly: Have Your Say on the Next Rebellion

People's Assembly: Have Your Say on the Next Rebellion

To attend this event, please click this link just before the start time: https://zoom.us/j/98955426971 XR UK have put together four key questions to help them plan the next rebellion and...

To attend this event, please click this link just before the start time: https://zoom.us/j/98955426971 XR...

16 Jun @ 7:00pm
An Introduction to Nonviolent Communication (NVC)

An Introduction to Nonviolent Communication (NVC)

An Introduction to Nonviolent Communication (NVC) Registration is required see link below. Please be in the Zoom for 6.55pm at the latest. Overview: Nonviolent Communication (NVC) is a process of...

An Introduction to Nonviolent Communication (NVC) Registration is required see link below. Please be in...

27 Jun @ 8:00am
Our Future, Our Choices!

Our Future, Our Choices!

[Nederlands hieronder] [English below] Notre Avenir, Nos Choix! Une Charnière Historique pour l'Humanité... 14 jours de Rébellion en Cascade du 15 au 27 juin... La normale causait des crises, passons...

[Nederlands hieronder] [English below] Notre Avenir, Nos Choix! Une Charnière Historique pour l'Humanité... 14 jours...

14 Jun @ 7:00pm
Oppression, movement building and our relationships as activists

Oppression, movement building and our relationships as activists

Oppression, movement building and our relationships as activists. Places are limited so please only book if you think you can attend, or cancel your tickets if you find you can't....

Oppression, movement building and our relationships as activists. Places are limited so please only book...

25 May - 15 Jun
Nova Helvetia - Democracy in transformation

Nova Helvetia - Democracy in transformation

This is a time of unprecedented disruption. Systems we relied on before are on the brink of collapse and immediate actions are needed on multiple levels. At the same time,...

This is a time of unprecedented disruption. Systems we relied on before are on the...

18 Jul - 19 Jul
XR Weekend: The Psychology of Climate Activism

XR Weekend: The Psychology of Climate Activism

Do you feel anxious about the climate crisis? Does the confrontation with authority and ecological breakdown faced through activism overwhelm you at times? Or would you simply like to increase...

Do you feel anxious about the climate crisis? Does the confrontation with authority and ecological...

19 Jun @ 12:00pm
Zukunft gestalten statt Krisen verwalten

Zukunft gestalten statt Krisen verwalten

Milliarden für Fluglinien, Diskussionen über eine Abwrackprämie 2.0 – die Bundesregierung ist aktuell dabei, ein umfassendes Konjunkturpaket zur Bewältigung der Corona-Folgen zu verabschieden. Im Juni soll darüber entschieden werden, wer...

Milliarden für Fluglinien, Diskussionen über eine Abwrackprämie 2.0 – die Bundesregierung ist aktuell dabei, ein...

13 Jun @ 2:00pm
Elokapinan Uuden alun piknik

Elokapinan Uuden alun piknik

Koronakevään jälkeen juhlistamme uutta elokapinoinnin alkua, kesää ja yhdessä olemista kaikille avoimien piknik-kestien merkeissä Helsingin Alppipuistossa. Pääsemme pitkästä aikaan olemaan yhdessä! Mikä sen parempaa kuin viettää kesäpäivää puistoillen muiden kapinahenkisten...

Koronakevään jälkeen juhlistamme uutta elokapinoinnin alkua, kesää ja yhdessä olemista kaikille avoimien piknik-kestien merkeissä Helsingin...

3 Oct - 4 Oct
Doom and Bloom: Reconnection and Renewal in the Climate Crisis

Doom and Bloom: Reconnection and Renewal in the Climate Crisis

POSTPONED: We are postponing this event to later in the year and are currently weighing up the options of whether this will be an online or in person offering. DATES...

POSTPONED: We are postponing this event to later in the year and are currently weighing...

27 May - 5 Aug
Schůzka pražských rebelů a rebelek (Všichni vítaní)

Schůzka pražských rebelů a rebelek (Všichni vítaní)

Pravidelná schůzka rebelek a rebelů, kde se dozvíte nejnovější informace a plány XR. Kromě poznání ostatních rebelů a rebelek, je možné se pobavit i o vašem zapojení. Bližší program zveřejňujeme...

Pravidelná schůzka rebelek a rebelů, kde se dozvíte nejnovější informace a plány XR. Kromě poznání...

14 Jun @ 9:30am
Réunion d'info sur Extinction Rebellion au Tampon

Réunion d'info sur Extinction Rebellion au Tampon

Salut, Tu as entendu parler d'Extinction Rebellion (XR) et tu voudrais en savoir plus? Tu envisages de rejoindre le mouvement et tu te demandes comment ça se passe? Ou tu...

Salut, Tu as entendu parler d'Extinction Rebellion (XR) et tu voudrais en savoir plus? Tu...

18 May - 24 Aug
XR Yarra - Fortnightly Meeting

XR Yarra - Fortnightly Meeting

Fortnightly open meeting for the Extinction Rebellion Yarra Local Group. All are welcome to drop in, find out what we've been up to, and how you can get involved. If...

Fortnightly open meeting for the Extinction Rebellion Yarra Local Group. All are welcome to drop...

20 Jun @ 6:00pm
Presentazione pubblica Extinction Rebellion Trentino

Presentazione pubblica Extinction Rebellion Trentino

Dopo lunghi mesi di lavoro dietro le quinte siamo felici di lanciare una presentazione pubblica di Extinction Rebellion, aperta a tutti i cittadini e le cittadine, gli enti e le...

Dopo lunghi mesi di lavoro dietro le quinte siamo felici di lanciare una presentazione pubblica...

24 Jun @ 6:00pm
Headed for Extinction and What to Do About It

Headed for Extinction and What to Do About It

Learn more about the state of the climate emergency and what we can do about it. In this event you will hear details regarding the state of our planet's quickly...

Learn more about the state of the climate emergency and what we can do about...

14 Jun @ 4:00pm
Der Wald ist besetzt! Online-Vortrag über den Widerstand im Dannenröder Wald

Der Wald ist besetzt! Online-Vortrag über den Widerstand im Dannenröder Wald

Ein Vortrag über den Wiederstand gegen den Bau der A49 im und um den Dannenröder Wald im Rahmen des Digitalen Klimafestivals (siehe auch https://www.facebook.com/events/553452488675048). Hier geht's direkt zu unserem virtuellen...

Ein Vortrag über den Wiederstand gegen den Bau der A49 im und um den Dannenröder...

25 Jun @ 12:00pm
Inaction = Death. Government: Learn Your Lesson

Inaction = Death. Government: Learn Your Lesson

INACTION = DEATH Government: Learn Your Lesson On the 25th June the Climate Change Committee will deliver it’s progress report to the Government. It will say that the Government is...

INACTION = DEATH Government: Learn Your Lesson On the 25th June the Climate Change Committee...

20 Mar @ 12:00pm
March for climate justice, refugees & the global south

March for climate justice, refugees & the global south

POSTPONED: This event has been postponed due to covid-19. The date in this event is not when it is taking place. We will announce a new date when possible to...

POSTPONED: This event has been postponed due to covid-19. The date in this event is...

10 Jun - 2 Sep
Local Groups Connection

Local Groups Connection

Extinction Rebellion Midlands invites you to a weekly meet up for local groups representatives. It will be a great opportunity to connect across the region. A place to to share...

Extinction Rebellion Midlands invites you to a weekly meet up for local groups representatives. It...

23 Jun @ 7:00pm
Facilitation Training for People Identifying as Women

Facilitation Training for People Identifying as Women

\# **MEETING FACILITATION TRAINING: Tuesday 23rd June, 7pm-9.30pm** ***This is an online session specifically for those who identify with she/her pronouns\*** This interactive session aims to support participants to... -...

\# **MEETING FACILITATION TRAINING: Tuesday 23rd June, 7pm-9.30pm** ***This is an online session specifically for...

10 Jun - 2 Sep
Local Groups Connection

Local Groups Connection

Extinction Rebellion Midlands invites you to a weekly meet up for local groups representatives. It will be a great opportunity to connect across the region. A place to to share...

Extinction Rebellion Midlands invites you to a weekly meet up for local groups representatives. It...

11 Jun - 30 Jul
Thursdays for Forests

Thursdays for Forests



27 Jun @ 9:30am
Rebelské plénum XR ČR 6/2020

Rebelské plénum XR ČR 6/2020

Poslední červnový víkend bude nabitý -po pátečním pikniku na Hradě nás čeká všerebelský sraz! každý kdo se alespoň trošku cítí jako rebel je zván a vítán :) Na stole bude...

Poslední červnový víkend bude nabitý -po pátečním pikniku na Hradě nás čeká všerebelský sraz! každý...

31 May - 29 Jun
No going back Sundays

No going back Sundays

no going back sundays at 10am every Sunday taking pictures at home (together) with messaging

no going back sundays at 10am every Sunday taking pictures at home (together) with messaging...

18 Jun @ 10:00am
XR Stirling - Literature breakfast call

XR Stirling - Literature breakfast call

Join us on Thursdays mornings to share your breakfast and something to read, a poem, short story.... or anything you would like to share with other local rebels. Everyone is...

Join us on Thursdays mornings to share your breakfast and something to read, a poem,...

15 Jun @ 12:30pm
Stoppa Preemraff!

Stoppa Preemraff!

Demonstration den 15 juni kl 13.30 Birger Jarls Torg, Riddarholmen mot Preems utbyggnadsplaner. Vi samlas kl 12.30 på Evert Taubes terrass, som ligger vid vattnet på Riddarholmen. Preem är som...

Demonstration den 15 juni kl 13.30 Birger Jarls Torg, Riddarholmen mot Preems utbyggnadsplaner. Vi samlas...

20 Jun @ 10:00am
SW Action Design Training (online)

SW Action Design Training (online)

Extinction Rebellion is an actions-led movement. Let’s get back to XR’s roots and use actions to cut through business as usual and lead people to rebel - against climate death,...

Extinction Rebellion is an actions-led movement. Let’s get back to XR’s roots and use actions...

9 Jun - 4 Aug
General Meeting - Online

General Meeting - Online

Joint meeting for XRBSE & XR Thetford - everyone welcome! There will be an agenda for the meeting, plus plenty of time for a chat & catch up with everyone...

Joint meeting for XRBSE & XR Thetford - everyone welcome! There will be an agenda...

20 Mar @ 12:00pm
March for climate justice, refugees & the global south

March for climate justice, refugees & the global south

POSTPONED: This event has been postponed due to covid-19. The date in this event is not when it is taking place. We will announce a new date when possible to...

POSTPONED: This event has been postponed due to covid-19. The date in this event is...

17 Jun @ 2:00pm
Unsere Erde spielt nicht mehr lange mit! #WaldstattAsphalt

Unsere Erde spielt nicht mehr lange mit! #WaldstattAsphalt

Am 17.06 zwischen 14 und 16 Uhr findet ihr uns vor der Reinoldikirche auf dem Ostenhellweg mit einer Aktion zum Thema Waldsterben. Kommt mit euren Mund-Nase-Masken zahlreich vorbei, bringt gerne...

Am 17.06 zwischen 14 und 16 Uhr findet ihr uns vor der Reinoldikirche auf dem...

22 May - 1 Jan
Ipswich: XR Picnic For The Planet

Ipswich: XR Picnic For The Planet

We're back and we're hungry for community. Come along to d'Arcy Doyle Place 4pm Friday...bring your picnic blanket, a little tucker, a cuppa tea and your best rebel singing voice...

We're back and we're hungry for community. Come along to d'Arcy Doyle Place 4pm Friday...bring...

14 Jun @ 1:00pm
Civil Discobedience goes on - Workshop und -Performance

Civil Discobedience goes on - Workshop und -Performance

„Ah, ha, ha, ha, stayin alive, stayin alive“- Nach der erfolgreichen Premiere, er XR- Tanzperformance für den Klimaschutz wollen wir nach der Zwangspause fröhlich-rebellisch daran anknüpfen und allen interessierten Menschen...

„Ah, ha, ha, ha, stayin alive, stayin alive“- Nach der erfolgreichen Premiere, er XR- Tanzperformance...

4 Apr - 18 Jul
Empathy Cafe Series: Exploring the 10 XR Principles

Empathy Cafe Series: Exploring the 10 XR Principles

In this Empathy Cafe series, we will use the Empathy Circle process to discuss and explore a different Extinction Rebellion Principle each Saturday. We will have an ongoing dialogue about...

In this Empathy Cafe series, we will use the Empathy Circle process to discuss and...

27 Jun @ 8:00am
Our Future, Our Choices!

Our Future, Our Choices!

[Nederlands hieronder] [English below] Notre Avenir, Nos Choix! Une Charnière Historique pour l'Humanité... 14 jours de Rébellion en Cascade du 15 au 27 juin... La normale causait des crises, passons...

[Nederlands hieronder] [English below] Notre Avenir, Nos Choix! Une Charnière Historique pour l'Humanité... 14 jours...

17 May - 20 Jul
NO GOING BACK Sundays - Another world is possible

NO GOING BACK Sundays - Another world is possible

How do we demand a better world during the Corona Pandemic? We protest alone or 'alone together' linking with people all over the UK and the world who will be...

How do we demand a better world during the Corona Pandemic? We protest alone or...

27 Jun @ 8:00am

Our Future, Our Choices!

[Nederlands hieronder] [English below] Notre Avenir, Nos Choix! Une Charnière Historique pour l'Humanité... 14 jours de Rébellion en Cascade du 15 au 27 juin... La normale causait des crises, passons...

[Nederlands hieronder] [English below] Notre Avenir, Nos Choix! Une Charnière Historique pour l'Humanité... 14 jours...

20 Jun @ 7:00am
Zürich 20 juin: on arrive ! #NoGoingBack

Zürich 20 juin: on arrive ! #NoGoingBack

Inscription: https://framaforms.org/zurich-20-juin-on-arrive-nogoingback-1590337612 Descriptif: Nous ne voulons pas d'un retour à l'anormal ! Suite à la crise du covid-19, nous voulons un plan de relance écologique et social pour la planète...

Inscription: https://framaforms.org/zurich-20-juin-on-arrive-nogoingback-1590337612 Descriptif: Nous ne voulons pas d'un retour à l'anormal ! Suite à la...

28 Jun @ 12:00pm
Ontmoet Extiction Rebellion Zaanstreek

Ontmoet Extiction Rebellion Zaanstreek

We nodigen je van harte uit om deel te nemen aan de eerste ontmoeting van Extinction Rebellion Zaanstreek!. * Deze bijeenkomst is bedoeld voor iedereen die op wat voor (vreedzame)...

We nodigen je van harte uit om deel te nemen aan de eerste ontmoeting van...

22 May - 1 Jan
Ipswich: XR Picnic For The Planet

Ipswich: XR Picnic For The Planet

We're back and we're hungry for community. Come along to d'Arcy Doyle Place 4pm Friday...bring your picnic blanket, a little tucker, a cuppa tea and your best rebel singing voice...

We're back and we're hungry for community. Come along to d'Arcy Doyle Place 4pm Friday...bring...

25 Jun @ 12:00pm
Inaction = Death. Government: Learn Your Lesson

Inaction = Death. Government: Learn Your Lesson

INACTION = DEATH Government: Learn Your Lesson On the 25th June the Climate Change Committee will deliver it’s progress report to the Government. It will say that the Government is...

INACTION = DEATH Government: Learn Your Lesson On the 25th June the Climate Change Committee...

8 Jan - 29 Jul
XR Brisbane / Meanjin: General Meeting (Online)

XR Brisbane / Meanjin: General Meeting (Online)

📅 Every Wednesday ⏰ 6pm 📍 Online (Message the page for the link) Ready to take action for your future? Join us for our weekly general meeting. Don’t keep putting...

📅 Every Wednesday ⏰ 6pm 📍 Online (Message the page for the link) Ready to...

27 Jun @ 8:00am
Our Future, Our Choices!

Our Future, Our Choices!

[Nederlands hieronder] [English below] Notre Avenir, Nos Choix! Une Charnière Historique pour l'Humanité... 14 jours de Rébellion en Cascade du 15 au 27 juin... La normale causait des crises, passons...

[Nederlands hieronder] [English below] Notre Avenir, Nos Choix! Une Charnière Historique pour l'Humanité... 14 jours...

17 May - 20 Jul
NO GOING BACK Sundays - Another world is possible

NO GOING BACK Sundays - Another world is possible

How do we demand a better world during the Corona Pandemic? We protest alone or 'alone together' linking with people all over the UK and the world who will be...

How do we demand a better world during the Corona Pandemic? We protest alone or...

17 Jun @ 8:00am
Wald statt Asphalt - Dannenröder Wald bleibt!

Wald statt Asphalt - Dannenröder Wald bleibt!

Unter dem Motto "Wald statt Asphalt“✊🌳 ruft Extinction Rebellion zur Rettung des Dannenröder Waldes auf! Am Mittwoch, dem 17. Juni veranstalten wir am Wiesbadener Hauptbahnhof eine Kundgebung mit einem bunten...

Unter dem Motto "Wald statt Asphalt“✊🌳 ruft Extinction Rebellion zur Rettung des Dannenröder Waldes auf!...

20 Jun @ 7:00am
Zürich, 20. Juni: ActNow NoGoingBack

Zürich, 20. Juni: ActNow NoGoingBack

Liebe Aktivist*innen Wenn der Staat seiner Verantwortung zum Schutz seiner Bürger*innen bewusst nicht nachkommt und unsere Lebensgrundlagen gefährdet sind, dann wird Widerstand zur Pflicht. Weil jedes Zehntel eines Grades Erderhitzung...

Liebe Aktivist*innen Wenn der Staat seiner Verantwortung zum Schutz seiner Bürger*innen bewusst nicht nachkommt und...

13 Jun @ 4:00pm
Chiacchiere di presentazione con Extinction Rebellion

Chiacchiere di presentazione con Extinction Rebellion

EXTINCTION REBELLION: CI PRESENTIAMO Ci troviamo Sabato 13 alle 16.00 alla fontana davanti al castello Extinction Rebellion (XR) è un movimento internazionale nonviolento, nato dal basso in Gran Bretagna, in...

EXTINCTION REBELLION: CI PRESENTIAMO Ci troviamo Sabato 13 alle 16.00 alla fontana davanti al castello...

12 Jun - 15 Jun
Digitales Klima Festival

Digitales Klima Festival

Digitales Klima Festival! Mit einem vielfältigen Programm an Events, Workshops, Talks und vielem mehr... über und für Klimagerechtigkeit! With a varied programme of events, workshops, talks and much more... on...

Digitales Klima Festival! Mit einem vielfältigen Programm an Events, Workshops, Talks und vielem mehr... über...

23 Jun @ 7:00pm
Facilitation Training for People Identifying as Women

Facilitation Training for People Identifying as Women

\# **MEETING FACILITATION TRAINING: Tuesday 23rd June, 7pm-9.30pm** ***This is an online session specifically for those who identify with she/her pronouns\*** This interactive session aims to support participants to... -...

\# **MEETING FACILITATION TRAINING: Tuesday 23rd June, 7pm-9.30pm** ***This is an online session specifically for...

24 Jun @ 6:30pm
Highlands, Islands & Moray Strategy Meeting

Highlands, Islands & Moray Strategy Meeting

Zoom meeting to connect XR groups across Highlands, Islands and Moray, and opportunity to begin planning strategy for lockdown/post-lockdown messaging and actions. Unfortunately, due to zoom hacking incidents, please be...

Zoom meeting to connect XR groups across Highlands, Islands and Moray, and opportunity to begin...

10 Jun - 1 Jul
Virtual Pub Quiz

Virtual Pub Quiz

We're hosting a weekly virtual pub quiz! Whilst COVID-19 may mean that we can't meet face-to-face, our community must remain as strong as ever in this challenging time. To this...

We're hosting a weekly virtual pub quiz! Whilst COVID-19 may mean that we can't meet...

19 Jun @ 10:30am
Umweltgerechte Verteilung der Corona-Hilfsgelder

Umweltgerechte Verteilung der Corona-Hilfsgelder

Wir wollen uns dafür einsetzen, dass Corona-Finanzhilfen in die Zukunft investiert werden. Diese Gelder können endlich die Transformation der Wirtschaft bewirken, die nötig ist, um unsere Umwelt zu erhalten –...

Wir wollen uns dafür einsetzen, dass Corona-Finanzhilfen in die Zukunft investiert werden. Diese Gelder können...

20 Jun @ 10:00am
Oppression, movement building and our relationships as activists

Oppression, movement building and our relationships as activists

Oppression, movement building and our relationships as activists. Note: We've experienced large numbers of people registering for this workshop and not turning up. This prevents others from registering and attending...

Oppression, movement building and our relationships as activists. Note: We've experienced large numbers of people...

14 Jun @ 4:00pm
Scendiamo in strada, Difendiamo Il Parco!

Scendiamo in strada, Difendiamo Il Parco!

📢📢📢📢📢 Da alcune settimane, Extinction Rebellion Toscana, Amici della Terra Versilia, Legambiente Versilia, WWF Alta Toscana, Fridays for Future Versilia e Earth Strike Lucca hanno cominciato una campagna di informazione...

📢📢📢📢📢 Da alcune settimane, Extinction Rebellion Toscana, Amici della Terra Versilia, Legambiente Versilia, WWF Alta...

14 Jun @ 7:00pm
Oppression, movement building and our relationships as activists

Oppression, movement building and our relationships as activists

Oppression, movement building and our relationships as activists. Places are limited so please only book if you think you can attend, or cancel your tickets if you find you can't....

Oppression, movement building and our relationships as activists. Places are limited so please only book...

18 May - 8 Jul
XRL online Climate Cafe

XRL online Climate Cafe

The Climate Café is open to all! ☕️🍪 XRL online Climate Café programme – 25th-29th May 2020 Monday 25th 1-2pm Inspiration from the Work That Reconnects with Cathy Friendly chat,...

The Climate Café is open to all! ☕️🍪 XRL online Climate Café programme – 25th-29th...

17 Jun @ 5:00pm
Vélorution Contre la Réintoxication du Monde

Vélorution Contre la Réintoxication du Monde

Ceux qui nous parlent du monde d’après sont ceux qui ont façonné le monde d’avant. Un monde qui repose sur des bases toxiques : oppressions sexistes, racistes, classistes, exploitation de...

Ceux qui nous parlent du monde d’après sont ceux qui ont façonné le monde d’avant....

19 Jun @ 6:00pm
Élelmiszer-önrendelkezés olvasókör

Élelmiszer-önrendelkezés olvasókör

A Szolidaritási Akciócsoport Élelmezés témában írt “Rendszerszintű problémák és kiutak az élelmezésben – csak a hosszú ellátási láncainkat veszíthetjük!” (https://merce.hu/2020/04/11/rendszerszintu-problemak-es-kiutak-az-elelmezesben-csak-a-hosszu-ellatasi-lancainkat-veszithetjuk/) című cikkét szeretnénk több nézőpontból megvitatni. Felkért hozzászólóink között van...

A Szolidaritási Akciócsoport Élelmezés témában írt “Rendszerszintű problémák és kiutak az élelmezésben – csak a...

5 Mar - 2 Jul
Grief Circle

Grief Circle

As Rebels, we've chosen to step out of our comfort zone and face the reality of the climate and ecological crisis. This can bring up a lot of painful emotions....

As Rebels, we've chosen to step out of our comfort zone and face the reality...

5 Jun - 26 Jun
Dance Dance - Dance Like Nobody's Watching

Dance Dance - Dance Like Nobody's Watching

Increase your emotional, mental, and physical health by letting loose on your (home) dance floor. Join our XR community for weekly virtual, playful, regenerative dance parties. Everyone’s welcome! Follow this...

Increase your emotional, mental, and physical health by letting loose on your (home) dance floor....

24 Jun @ 4:00pm
Dénonçons les méfaits de la Société Générale

Dénonçons les méfaits de la Société Générale

Il s'agit d'informer sur les dangers de la Société Générale: - facilitation de la fraude et de l’évasion fiscale - investissements dans les énergies fossiles (encore 24 milliards engloutis dernièrement)....

Il s'agit d'informer sur les dangers de la Société Générale: - facilitation de la fraude...

15 Jun @ 6:00pm
Actie Introductie Calls: Our future, our choices! het Nederlands

Actie Introductie Calls: Our future, our choices! het Nederlands

Nieuw bij Extinion Rebellion? Nog nooit met ons een actie gedaan? Neem dan deel aan een van de Actie Introductie Calls om meer de leren over onze waarden en principes,...

Nieuw bij Extinion Rebellion? Nog nooit met ons een actie gedaan? Neem dan deel aan...

2 Jun - 18 Jun
Sydney: NSW Parliament House Silent Vigil

Sydney: NSW Parliament House Silent Vigil

On every sitting day of NSW Parliament we will show our Members of Parliament that we want climate action NOW! MPs must either walk in the door on Macquarie St...

On every sitting day of NSW Parliament we will show our Members of Parliament that...

13 Jun @ 12:00pm
Sit-in nonviolento di Extinction Rebellion

Sit-in nonviolento di Extinction Rebellion

ATTENZIONE!!! Chiusa porta di via San Pancrazio 10: accesso da via Aurelia antica numero 183, all'entrata svoltare a sinistra NON C'E' LAVORO SU UN PIANETA MORTO! Oggi si tengono a...

ATTENZIONE!!! Chiusa porta di via San Pancrazio 10: accesso da via Aurelia antica numero 183,...

14 Jun @ 7:00pm
Oppression, movement building and our relationships as activists

Oppression, movement building and our relationships as activists

Oppression, movement building and our relationships as activists. Places are limited so please only book if you think you can attend, or cancel your tickets if you find you can't....

Oppression, movement building and our relationships as activists. Places are limited so please only book...

13 Jun @ 12:00pm
Sit-in nonviolento di Extinction Rebellion

Sit-in nonviolento di Extinction Rebellion

ATTENZIONE!!! Chiusa porta di via San Pancrazio 10: accesso da via Aurelia antica numero 183, all'entrata svoltare a sinistra NON C'E' LAVORO SU UN PIANETA MORTO! Oggi si tengono a...

ATTENZIONE!!! Chiusa porta di via San Pancrazio 10: accesso da via Aurelia antica numero 183,...