XR Milton Keynes

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17 May - 20 Jul
NO GOING BACK Sundays - Another world is possible

NO GOING BACK Sundays - Another world is possible

How do we demand a better world during the Corona Pandemic? We protest alone or 'alone together' linking with people all over the UK and the world who will be...

How do we demand a better world during the Corona Pandemic? We protest alone or...

26 Jul @ 10:30am
Intro to Consent

Intro to Consent

Join us for an online introductory session to Consent Advocacy, where we aim to introduce folk to conversations around consent in our daily lives (including physical, emotional and sexual encounters),...

Join us for an online introductory session to Consent Advocacy, where we aim to introduce...

13 Jun @ 10:00am
People's Assembly: the Direction of an Educational Rebellion

People's Assembly: the Direction of an Educational Rebellion

XR Educators People's Assembly. No Going Back: the Direction of an Educational Rebellion To read the below in a nicer format and to register see the Eventbrite page.: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/peoples-assembly-no-going-back-the-direction-of-an-educational-rebellion-tickets-106418053262: If...

XR Educators People's Assembly. No Going Back: the Direction of an Educational Rebellion To read...