INACTION = DEATH Government: Learn Your Lesson On the 25th June the Climate Change Committee will deliver it’s progress report to the Government. It will say that the Government is failing in its commitments to reach net zero emissions by 2050, a target already woefully inadequate. It will say they are failing in their responsibilities to keep people safe. It will highlight that they are more interested in propping up a toxic, exploitative system that disproportionately affects black people, indigenous people and the most vulnerable in society. The government’s slowness to act on coronavirus led to tens of thousands of unnecessary deaths. The same is now happening with the climate and ecological emergency. Only this time the science is terrifyingly clear: tens of MILLIONs of lives are at stake. Why aren’t they listening? Inaction equals death. We demand our MPs force the government to take immediate preventative action to avoid climate collapse by implementing a covid recovery plan that achieves net zero carbon emissions by 2025. But since politics as usual is not capable of confronting the major challenges we face, we demand, now more than ever, a fair and representative Citizens Assembly to decide this future together. On the 25th June, Extinction Rebellion invites everyone to disruptively deliver an ‘Inaction = Death’ letter to their MP telling them the government has failed on covid and demanding that they don’t let it fail on climate. For local groups: meet in your town centre and do a slow march along the roads to your local MP’s office slowing down traffic as you go. Nail the ‘Inaction = Death’ letter to their door, or disruptively deliver the message 'INACTION = DEATH' it in another creative way. Obey social distancing at all times. Find the ‘Inaction = Death’ letter template here. [COMING SOON] Find ideas for disruptive letter delivery and guidance on how to do a slow march here: Get the design pack for banners and placards here [COMING SOON] And this time we need everyone. Call your relatives, bring your friends, reach out to other local organisations and groups - invite them along. Use our 7 mobilisation methods to get new rebels involved. #InactionEqualsDeath #TellTheTruth #ActNow