XR Farnham 'Ride for Clean Air'
20 Jun @ 11:00am – 2:00pm
Cycling has increased dramatically during lockdown, in part given the need to avoid public transport, and is being encouraged, given the benefits for public health of active travel. During lockdown, we have also seen a dramatic reduction in the chronic air pollution that has beset in central Farnham as a result of high levels of traffic. For the sake of Farnham residents, we are keen that we do not return to previous levels of pollution. Surrey County Council (SCC) has selected Farnham as the Surrey County pilot for the UK’s national road re-allocation scheme. This emergency scheme is designed to allocate more space to pavements and cycle lanes and less to roads to allow social distancing and active travel as lockdown restrictions ease (and remember non-essential shops re-open on 15 June). This is great news for Farnham and could be the first tangible gain that we can secure from the wreckage of COVID-19. The scheme is Government funded but the timeline is uncertain and we want to be ready to hold Farnham Town Council and SCC to account if they don’t act soon enough. To help make up minds (or indeed celebrate a victory for cleaner air and quieter streets), XR Farnham will undertake a bike action on Saturday 20 June riding around the town centre’s one-way circuit, with non-biking rebels lining the route in support. • Assemble in Gostrey Meadow in the area of the central Bandstand no later than 11.00, gathering in groups of no more than 6 and maintain 2m of social distance at all times. • At 11.00, those who wish to cycle as individuals are encouraged to follow either the simple route (Long Bridge, Downing Street, The Borough, South Street and Union Road)) or the figure-of-8 routes (as above plus Bear Lane and Park Row). Please maintain a distance of up to 10m between bikes. • Non-cycling Rebels are asked to protest at various points on the routes, always ensuring that pedestrians are provided with the necessary space to socially distance, with placards and flags to the fore!. • For cyclists, helmets are advised and a high-visibility tabard will be supplied. • Face coverings are requested to be worn by all and gloves/hand sanitiser use is advised. To avoid social distance issues, there will be no central briefing and please bring your own refreshments. • We will conduct ourselves in line with XR’s Principles and Values and Rebel Agreement, including: o We openly challenge ourselves and this toxic system o We avoid blaming and shaming o We are a non-violent network o Show respect to everyone – to each other, the general public and the police o We bring no alcohol or illegal drugs o We hold ourselves accountable for our actions and do not hide from the legal consequences o We take responsibility for ourselves; we are all crew Let’s be there in numbers and hold on to one the gains we have made over the last three months. And don't forget, upbeat, smiling engagement with all…………… • ‘It has taken a moment of crisis to show what we are capable of, what change we can deliver’ • ‘No going back to business as usual’ • Let’s hold on to the good things - less pollution, less traffic, more time to reflect’ • ‘We must use this moment of crisis to reset our priorities – public health over polluting vehicles’ • ‘Our Councillors have the power – they must act now to deliver’ • ‘Now is the time for change, when we have the public will to do so’ • ‘Active travel (like cycling) has huge benefits in terms of health and welfare and is pollution free’