Uncertain Delay - Ken Ward 3rd Trial: Necessity Defense
3 Aug @ 9:30am – 7 Aug @ 5:00pm
Skagit County Superior Court
Uncertain trial delay during the pandemic. Moving tentatively to August but actual reschedule date is unknown. What: After winning a unanimous decision in WA Appeals Court, overturning ValveTurner Ken Ward’s (@[1314442981930441:274:The Reluctant Radical]) conviction on burglary, Skagit County, WA prosecutor Rich Weyrich is trying him a third time, Superior Court Judge Laura Riquelme presiding. Where: Skagit Superior Court, Mt Vernon, WA When: May 4-8, 2020 Carpool: https://www.groupcarpool.com/t/ns6wtc Sign up for update emails: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc8JfaNQOD4thqt0jT8frjGKNFmOk7MEqPOSIFK72e6fCKtQQ/viewform Help: We would really appreciate support in the courtroom. As at past trials, we ask that folks be respectful, attend as individuals, not as a crowd - that is, no banners, red shirts, etc. There is an Amtrak station within walking distance of the courthouse. We need to raise additional funds to cover expenses lost due to rescheduling expert witnesses, and other trial support. Please donate if you can: https://shutitdown-climatedirectaction.nationbuilder.com/donation_page Defense: Lauren Regan, Cooper Brinson (CLDC), Ralph Hurwitz, and Alice Cherry, Kelsey Skaggs (Climate Defense Project), are preparing the climate necessity defense granted under the Appeals Court ruling, and will announce our list of expert witnesses shortly.