Building a Better Future
19 Jul @ 11:00am – 1:00pm
Extinction Rebellion Blue Mountains
As we emerge from the pandemic lockdown, we are faced with a unique moment in history where we can make the change we need for the survival of the human race. Now is the time to rebuild our society based on equity, fairness, justice and clean air. Now is the time to embrace renewable energy, protect our precious forests, nurture our planet and all that grows upon it. Please join us as we dust off our banners, and emerge back into daylight as activists who stand for this change. This is an action to let people know that we are still here, we still care, and we demand a future fit for life. As we can meet in groups of up to 10, we will walk in groups along a portion of the great western highway, (exact location TBD, but it will be where there is a safe path for people to walk). Each group will consist of people wearing sandwich boards (homemade) with a word per person making up a message. e.g. "Leave Gas In The Past" (5 person group) "The Climate Emergency Hasn't Gone Away"(6 person group). Social distancing will be maintained. Please register your interest so that we can organise boards/slogans and groups.