In our third Dialogue we are discussing whether a Green New Deal can address the climate emergency. In Australia this approach has been taken up by the Australian Greens and underpins their plan to Renew Australia 2030. Moreover, it is an approach that is being advocated across the world and one which draws on ideas around Modern Monetary Theory. Before the event, we ask that you read through the document linked below to prepare yourself for the discussion. We'll be discussing the following: - What are the key elements of Australia’s GND (put forward by Australian Greens)? - How do they differ from other GNDs? - How does it (aim to) challenge ‘business as usual’? - Does it sufficiently address the climate crisis (ie in terms of XR’s aims)? - What are the limitations of the GND? We are using the video conferencing tool Zoom for this event. Upon registering on Action Network you'll be provided with instructions on how to install and use Zoom on your device. We'll also provide you with ways to contact us if you require technical support. Register here on Action Network: