***PLEASE NOTE: Date is placeholder only. Confirmation of date to follow!*** We will be using potted plants to 'reclaim' a public space covered in tarmac that is ripe for greening and drawing attention to its plight and the urgent need to green our cities. We need lots of plants for this action - the more plants, the more powerful the statement! Ideally large/tall/colourful plants that can be visible from a distance. However any and all plants are welcome! The idea is that the community (or whomever is passing) will be encouraged to take plants home with them after a day or so. Although you're welcome to take your own plants home with you if preferred. This is aiming to take place one weekend in August at a DE1 address. Further details including a firm date and location will be revealed closer to the time. 🌼🌱🌻 Please message XR Derby to let us know how many plants you intend to bring! 🌼🌱🌻