XR Northwich

update branch details


16 Jun @ 7:30pm
XR Northwich: General Meeting

XR Northwich: General Meeting

Details to follow... Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89499266679?pwd=TzZnMHNkVjB5WER0c1NWN3l0NkxwQT09 Meeting ID: 894 9926 6679 Password: 632708

Details to follow... Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89499266679?pwd=TzZnMHNkVjB5WER0c1NWN3l0NkxwQT09 Meeting ID: 894 9926 6679 Password: 632708

28 Jun @ 7:30pm
XR Cheshire: General Meeting

XR Cheshire: General Meeting

Details to follow... Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86926617300?pwd=MmZjUS8xbWZSQnk1Q1JCZ2FBZytZUT09 Meeting ID: 869 2661 7300 Password: 055550

Details to follow... Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86926617300?pwd=MmZjUS8xbWZSQnk1Q1JCZ2FBZytZUT09 Meeting ID: 869 2661 7300 Password: 055550